Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Con

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Science Fiction Convention
Name: Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Con
Dates: 1976, 1977, perhaps other years
Frequency: annually
Location: Los Angeles
Type: fan-run
Focus: science fiction, fantasy and horror
Founding Date:
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Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Con was a science fiction convention with Fantasy and Horror programming.

The second con had some Star Trek: TOS programming.


April 16-18, 1976

This was the first convention.


April 8-10, 1977 at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott.

This was the second convention.

While the actual attending guests of honor is unknown, the flyer said there would be over 50 celebrities "including world famous science fiction writers, great comic book artists, Star Trek cast members, motion picture and television stars. Celebrities such as: Robert Bloch, Forrest J. Ackerman, Jay Robinson, Bob Clampett, Jim Danforth, Jack Kirby and George Pal, to name a few."

1977: Some Rules

From the program book:

WELCOME to the SCIENCE FICTION, HORROR AND FANTASY CON II this is YOUR convention ... this is a FAN CONVENTION ... designed by FANS for FANS, we have tried to do a PROFESSIONAL job in organizing this convention. This is NOT a COMMERICAL [sic] convention... we have lowered the membership fee this year by one-third the price of the convention held last Easter week-end. We have to pay all the bills with one-third less income.

If we were a COMMERCIAL convention we would be more expensive... THINK ABOUT IT.

The easiest thing in the world is to criticize,if we goofed in any way ... HELP US ... by volunteering your talents to help us this year and for our next convention. We need volunteers to continue ... PLEASE sign up.

The management of the Marriott hotel has been very cooperative with us in organizing the convention... we are all guests of the Marriott hotel if you have taken a room in the hotel or are only attending the convention ... ENJOY YOURSELF ... BUT not at the expense of others.

WATCH THE BULLETIN BOARDS on the convention floor for the latest information on SURPISE [sic] GUESTS AND SURPISE [sic] FILMS.

FIRE ... the Fire Marshall says NO SMOKING in ANY MEETING ROOM!!! Also, all chairs must be keep in place, if you see a chair out of place please move it and if you see someone smoking remind them the Fire Marshall can close the convention.

D & D GAMES Dungeons and Dragons Games are the latest addiction for fans ... we warn you the games can become habit forming!!! Sign up to play or learn ... see BOB'S COMICS in the dealers room.

AUTOGRAPH SESSIONS ARE PLANNED and will follow most panel discussions. They will be held in the convention lobby. Please do not delay our guests in the panel room we have to clear the room for our next event.

FAN SECURITY MEMBERS are wearing red baldrics (shoulder sashes) They are all volunteers to help make YOUR convention enjoyable. Please cooperate with them. They are in charge of crowd control, checking convention membership badges, etc. They are fans like yourself, they will be polite to you PLEASE BE POLITE TO THEM.

IN and OUT ... You may leave the convention area, including the hotel, and return as often as you wish...just wear your MEMBERSHIP BADGE.

BRING A SHIRT OR BLOUSE and we will sell you an OFFICIAL CONVENTION IRON-ON. (we'll put it on free) FOR ONLY 25¢. The same art work that appears on the front page of this program book.

The HOTEL SECURITY requests that NO ONE bring a weapon that looks real. This includes all METAL swords and daggers (wood ones with rounded tips are acceptable) ... Futuristic weapons are acceptable. Sorry, but this also includes the costume contest ... the hotel has been very cooperative with all of our plans for our convention...this is the least we can do for them.

THANK YOU!!! We want to thank you for coming to YOUR CONVENTION and a SPECIAL thanks to all of our VOLUNTEERS. Many people worked before the convention and many are working during the convention to make it a FUN event for YOU.

AWARD CELEBRITY BANQUET is the International Society of Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Award Banquet. Many CELEBRITIES (not attending the CON) will be at the banquet. A celebrity will be at each table, 10 persons per table.

The price has been reduced by moving the banquet to 2:00 P.M. Sunday (instead of Saturday evening) ... now only $12.00 per person, includes lunch and the award ceremony.

DRESS REQUIREMENT: Because of the nature of this event and the important guests ... no jeans, slacks or costumes will be allowed ... if you have any questions check with the BANQUET REGISTRATION...This is going to be a great event, DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED . . . GET YOUR TICKET AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

1977: Programming

Con Photos



  1. ^ "Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Convention (Los Angeles, California, 1979)"