Satisfied Hunger

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Title: First Sight
Author(s): St. John
Date(s): 1989, 1992
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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First Sight is a Kirk/Spock story by St. John.

It was published in Candlelight and Flames #1 and Naughty Bits.


"Spock takes the initiative in satifying his and Kirkʼs desire for one another."

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A VERY short, maybe 5 pages, story (almost a long poem), with Kirk relating in the first person beaming down to a planet, fighting a battle, getting captured and escaping! As strange as this sounds, not only does it work, but it is highly erotic, beautifully simple, and very well-written. I shouldn't quote any lines, because it would give too much away as there aren't many lines (!), but here's one beauty: "I wanted him open, waiting, like a blossom in the hot, afternoon sun." Who is this author, really, and what else has he/she written? [1]
