Sanctuary (Sentinel story)

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Title: Sanctuary
Author(s): Lynna Bright
Date(s): 1996?
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Sanctuary is a Jim/Blair story by Lynna Bright.

page from Extra Touchy Frisky #1

It was published online, and then in Extra Touchy Frisky #1.

Reactions and Reviews

The first TS story, Sanctuary by Lynna Bright, remains one of the best. After fifteen months away on expedition, Blair returns home to Cascade and begins a far different kind of relationship with Jim.[1]

AU. What if Blair did go on that trip to Brazil at the end of the first season?... This story is one of the first slash stories ever written in The Sentinel fandom - and it's a lovely first time scenario.[2]

What if Blair had gone to Borneo...?

This is the premise of L. Bright's Sanctuary, a beautifully written piece that begins a year after Flight, when Blair is coming home.

This isn't a "moving out" story. Blair has left for his year in Borneo with Dr. Stoddard with the understanding that he'll have a Loft to come home to when the study is over. We open with Blair on the plane bound for Cascade, thinking about his relationship with Jim and how much he's missed him. Jim has missed Blair, too, and the way they handle their reunion is a joy to read.

Both Blair and Jim are completely in character throughout this story, and the progression from partners to lovers is the most realistic I've ever seen. It's not a "suddenly jump in bed" story; as Blair said at the end of Flight, "It's about friendship." It's a friendship that has evolved while they were apart into something that shakes both of them to the core and takes the reader along for the ride.

The writing is elegant and descriptive; the dialogue is natural and flowing. The sex scenes are tasteful and erotic and incredibly hot.

I've read a lot of slash, and this is the first I've ever really loved. I've converted people to slash by sending them this story; I've converted people to The Sentinel by sending them this story. If you only ever read one slash story in your whole life, this should be the one. [3]
