Sam Gabriel

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Name: Sam Gabriel
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Star Wars
URL: AO3 account
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Sam Gabriel is a podficcer who has recorded long and popular works. He also mantains his own discord server. Most of his work is not on AO3 but accessible through his website, and available on Spotify or Apple Podcasts

My name is Sam Gabriel and I like to read books into a microphone! I've produced over a hundred hours of freely available audio content over the past two years, including: Alexandra Quick and the Audiobook Project, a series of Harry Potter fanfictions by author Inverarity, and my current in-progress series, Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin by author The Sinister Man. Recordings happen live in the fics' respective Discord servers. No Patreon subscription or any payment of any kind will ever be required to access my fanfiction content.

Notable works podficced

Harry Potter

'Star Wars