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Ready, Fire, Aim

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Title: Ready, Fire, Aim
Author(s): gyzym
Date(s): 16 October 2011
Length: 21,006 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Captain America/Iron Man, The Avengers (2012)
Relationship(s): Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
External Links: Ready, Fire, Aim (AO3)
Ready, Fire, Aim (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (LiveJournal)
Ready, Fire, Aim 'Verse (AO3)

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Ready, Fire, Aim is a Steve/Tony story by gyzym. It has two sequels, Situation Normal: All Fucked Up (27,000 words) and Momentum (15,593 words).

Summary: There's no "I" in "Avenger."

The /report episode from December 18, 2011, includes a fic rec for Ready, Fire, Aim[1] and neo_star0114 podficced the story. A download link is in the AO3 notes.

The story is mentioned in the article Earth 616, Earth 1610, Earth 3490—Wait, what universe is this again? The creation and evolution of the Avengers and Captain America/Iron Man fandom by Catherine Coker, published in TWC Vol 13 (2013).

Recs and Reviews

Steve and Tony don't get along at first, but things start to get better, especially after the Avengers end up moving into Tony's New York mansion. Length: Novel. Notes: All the Avengers get some great character moments, and the progression of Steve and Tony's relationship is well-paced and generally awesome. There is now an equally awesome sequel, Situation Normal: All Fucked Up. And now, also Momentum, which is Steve's POV for the events of Ready, Fire, Aim.[2]

Gyzym is…magic and sparkles and unicorns. No one can put a voice to Tony Stark like this author, and this particular start to a series is probably one of my favorites in the fandom. This is quality, novel length fic here folks, so get it while it’s hot! This is linked to her LJ, but her tumblr is awesome as well, so go give it a peek![3]

It’s based off of the Avengers trailer and stemmed from the idea of Steve and Tony started off on the wrong foot and how their relationship went from just teammates in battle to friendship and something more *g*.

It’s told strictly from Tony’s POV for which I am torn between hilarity, Thor is totally Tony’s favorite and his teammates are all insane but he loves them anyway, and midly depressing because it’s Tony. He’s snarky and takes no shit from anyone (except PEPPER) but there’s a layer of vulnerability to him that make me ache for him (TONY DDD:). But, mostly I love the romance between Steve and Tony, where as they grow understand each other better, their relationship slowly developed right before my eyes.

ALSO I can’t resist not mentioning this, there’s a really beautiful scene between Tony and Steve on the roof that really made me teary and I love this scene so much because we get to see Steve really opening up to Tony for the first time and everything that he’d lost and guh talking about it is making me cry AGAIN.[4]

Seriously, if this one hasn’t popped up on every list you watch already, you probably aren’t reading Avengers fic. But it’s really good, and I’ve never thought that not following a fandom should prevent me from reading something.[5]

OMG, these boys are SO STUPID, LOL! ♥ I mean, all the ridiculous assumptions and pining and seriously, my heart! I really like Tony’s voice in this and how the relationship between him and Steve grew. I also really loved Thor because he is most adorable, obviously. XP[6]

Beginning from the premise that Tony and Steve don’t exactly get along right from the start and that they both don’t exactly deal with this well, the ‘Ready, Fire, AimVerse’ is filled to the brim with great character moments, Avenger hijinks, and the well-paced progression of Steve and Tony’s relationship from something prickly and touch-shy to still prickly but brilliant. Overall, I have to say that if you haven’t read this series already, do so now, and if already have, do so again.[7]

Inspired Fanworks


  1. ^ Slash Report - 18 December 2011. (Accessed 01 May 2012)
  2. ^ mysticalchild_isis. Avengers Fanfic Recs: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark. (Accessed 01 May 2012)
  3. ^ multifandomficrecs. Fic Rec: Ready, Fire, Aim, (Accessed 01 May 2012)
  4. ^ i_idolize. [Fic rec, Steve/Tony] Ready, Fire, Aim. (Accessed 01 May 2012)
  5. ^ The Marci Rating System. fic rec o’ the day, 18 October 2011. (Accessed 01 May 2012)
  6. ^ Simple Pleasures. [Marvel - Steve/Tony] gyzym – Ready, Fire, Aim, 18 October 2011. (Accessed 01 May 2012)
  7. ^ slyprentice in epic_recs. Ready, Fire, Aim ‘Verse by gyzym (NC-17), 04 My 2012. (Accessed 05 May 2012)