Quidditch Pitch Interview with NinnyTreetops

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Interview with NinnyTreetops
Interviewer: The Quidditch Pitch
Interviewee: NinnyTreetops
Date(s): 13 October 2008
Medium: Online
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Interview at TQP (archive link)
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In 2008, NinnyTreetops was interviewed for The Quidditch Pitch as the Featured Artist for October and November.

See Quidditch Pitch Interview Series.

Some Excerpts

Ron [is my favorite HP character to draw]. He just seems to crawl out of my pencil unbidden whenever I don't pay attention. The designs may differ, but I always see his character shining through in all my doodles. He's the one character I always, somehow, seem to get right.

Obviously, Ron and Hermione [is my OTP]. I saw it coming ever since Ron threatened to kill Malfoy with his bare hands in CoS. I like bickering couples (I do a whole lot of arguing in relationships, too). They are witty and funny and compliment each other's personalities. They're good for each other. The relationship is complicated, interesting and realistic. Round. They are both genuinely good people who deserve each other. Lastly: whose heart didn't break at "HERMIONE!!!" ? There you go.

[I first started drawing in] Summer of 2000. I had read the first 4 books and was unhappy with the illustrations. So I started to draw my own. True story. Kinda funny considering that I am now a graphic Design student.

[Craziest commission request:] This certainly isn't pg-13, but a Ron/Ginny incest site (you heard me) asked me to draw stuff for them. I think my resounding EW! Whilst reading that note could be heard in space.

During the shipping wars, a Harry/Hermione shipper (without any provocation on my side except the fact that I'm a R/Hr artist) asked me to draw myself being mauled by Inferi. That was... charming. And delusional.