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Pairing: Pyro (Team Fortress 2)/Soldier (Team Fortress 2)
Alternative name(s): Fourth of July; Hot Rockets
Gender category: NB/M
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Canonical?: Fanon
Prevalence: Rarepair
Archives: n/a
Other: n/a
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Pyro/Scout, known mostly as Fireworks, is a rarepair within Team Fortress 2 fandom. The ship is between The Pyro and The Soldier, two of the game's nine playable mercenaries and main characters.

Common Tropes


Pyro/Soldier Fandom

TF2 BNF hanktalkin[1] has made some fanworks for the pairing.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Art

Fan Fic

  • Jane Doe and the Ten Thousand Hats by hanktalkin (2020), *thinks about the parallels between soldier and pyro both using protective clothing as comfort items and sign language to communicate things they have difficulty with and also have trouble with other people just in general* …fate…the serendipity….
  • Federal Fucking Issue by hanktalkin (2020), Explicit, two trans, homeless, mentally unstable war criminals just got fired and they’re about to make it everyone’s problem

References/Further Reading