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Title: Pretend
Author(s): Mondie
Date(s): March 24 - April 29, 2003
Length: 39,000+ words
Genre(s): drama
Fandom(s): Newsies
External Links: FFN

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Pretend is a Blink/Mush Newsies fic posted by Mondie in 2003. It was cited by queenitsy in the ship manifesto as "the first major Blush fic," and it has over 150 reviews on Not long after it was begun, the fic was taken down and all reviews deleted due to not following the updated FFN rating guidelines,[1] so many responses may have been lost in the reupload.

Reactions and Reviews

Wow, I can't believe this is over. This is definitely one of my all-time favorite Newsies fics. The characterization (although a bit scary at times, like in the case of Jack) is very good, and I love the plot, so original and full of twists that I never would have seen coming (like everything with Race). I like that everything ties together at the end, like Mush's past experiences, the word pretend, and the whole "sinner" thing, and I like that you stayed consistent with your plot/character development/etc. throughout. I also liked that you gave Pinhead a personality, and that he wasn't just a mindless drone of a Gary Stu- in fact, I was quite sad when he died. My only problem with this was that I thought the end may have been a little rushed, but that's probably just because I didn't want to believe that this was actually over. I really do love this story, and I give you major props for writing it. You have much talent.

Angel of Harmony[2]

I know it was not intentioned but this story made me feel sick to my stomach. Between the rape, self mutilation, torture, emotional abuse, physical abuse and murder, it was a hard story to read, especially as someone who identifies as being gay. It is clear you have a very plot driven story, but it seems it is all about just upping the anti in shock value. There are times you seem to do a more character driven chapter but it really irked me that those same characters often did a 180. Really many of the main characters did a 180 out of nowhere with little to no set up. If you wanted to explore such dark themes like internalized homophobia, that would be a great time to see that is going through Jack's head for example. Otherwise the characters become more like horrible caractures of the evils of society instead of guinunie people.

