Pigs in Space

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Title: Pigs in Space
Author(s): Morgan Logan
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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Pigs in Space is a Starsky/Hutch Space AU story by Morgan Logan.

title page by Selena for the story when it appeared in the "Timeless"

It was published in Timeless and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

A hilarious sci-fi satire set in the future where Starsky & Hutch are cops in outer space, and Hutch has a big secret he’s been keeping from Starsky. [1]

So normally I have no interest in Alternate Universe fics, but I have this compulsion to read everything that morgan logan writes. I'm glad I did, this not only surprised me but made me laugh and smile as well. [2]

Morgan Logan's S&H fics have been recced all over the place, so I was thrilled to find one which hasn't been, at least not here. I'm not always a big fan of AU's but sometimes they're so perfect you almost wish the show was the AU. Here is one such case. "Pigs in Space" is so delightful, so funny, so cute/adorable/sexy/spot-on/etc. that no one interested in S&H slash (or tongue-in-cheek science fiction) should miss it. If you've always wondered how different, or not different, our boys would be if they were chasing bad guys over SoCal in a 22nd century model Torino spaceship, here's your chance to find out. Unfamiliar 20th century slang terms are explained via helpful end notes! [3]

Molo is another one of those writers who can write several different genres very well. Her PWPs are incredibly hot and sexy, but she also can do long relationship stories just as well. And she's got a wacky sense of humour that suits the guys very well. Pigs in Space is an AU that is howlingly funny (the escape from the bad guy's spaceship had me laughing out loud for days afterward). [4]

It's funny, affectionate and sprinkled with classic SciFi references that can always make me laugh after a bad day.[5]
