Out of Nowhere

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Title: Out of Nowhere ("Dear Tulsa World")
Creator: Jackie
Date(s): July 3, 1998
Fandom: Hanson
Topic: fanfic
External Links: here, with transcription of original article, Archived version
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Out of Nowhere is an article Jackie wrote as a response to the Tulsa World article Hanson Fan Fiction Lives, defending the young authors of Hanson fanfic.


I am sure that your article mirrors the concern of many people regarding Hanson fan fiction. However, as someone who interacts with young people on a daily basis as a middle school teacher, I am not quite clear towards whom the concern is directed. Is the concern for Hanson or for the young authors? I suggest that the writer's purpose was to mock Hanson fans' expression of adoration for this talented band.

And if you're concerned for the young authors of Hanson fanfic, what can you do? Let me begin by saying, as a Christian, I do not condone illegal or sexual activity for young people - on paper or in real life. However, caring adults can address these issues by modeling good decision-making. They can help young people make informed choices about their activities and between good and bad art. I understand some of the writers of these stories are older. I trust that these authors would care enough for the band members to treat them with the same respect that the band displays for their fans. There are some beautifully written stories on the internet that should not go ignored. If Hanson has proven to be a muse for these authors, I'm sure Isaac, Taylor and Zac would feel honored. They are essentially artists at heart.