One Way Street

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Title: One Way Street
Author(s): Leigh Bideaux
Date(s): 1985, 2001
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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One Way Street is a K/S story by Leigh Bideaux.

It was published in the print zines Legends #1 and Impact.


"Based on Marshak and Culbreath’s short story, The Procrustean Petard. Kirk and Spock must deal with Kirk having been female… the repercussions from which are far from what either might have expected."

Reactions and Reviews


This story in which Kirk has been changed into a woman and Spock has had an extra Y chromosome added is unconvincing. With such a chromosomal aberration, Spock is supposed to behave like a super-macho gorilla. I am not surprised that the writer couldn't manage this because it's impossible for Spock to be both a gorilla and a logical Vulcan. Her Spock did annoy me, however, when he referred to a near-rape of Kirk by a stranger as an "involvement". Perhaps this was meant to be a typical Vulcan understatement. Yet even so, Kirk should have reacted to it with outrage. Instead he is amused, and teases Spock playfully about his jealousy. Kirk should have been shaken by almost being raped, and angry at Spock for trivializing the incident. [1]


What impresses me the most about this story is that it is extremely well-written - practically flawless. There were no extraneous details, and nothing was left out. It was concise, insightful, and very believable. [2]


It's been a long time since I read "The Procrustean Petard" in one of the early pro-published collections of fan fiction. Still, I remember being fascinated by the prospect of Kirk coming out of the transporter as a female—and a very attractive one at that. Yes, even back then I saw the possibilities. Here, in a rare twist, Ms. Bideaux has taken a professionally published story to the next logical step. It begins when Spock witnesses JTK being propositioned by a big burly spacer in a bar. Something flares inside him that is more than protective instinct for his Captain. It is a very interesting procession of events, nicely told, that brings us to the conclusion. There is no specific sex in this story, rather it takes us only to the part where the old movies did a fade to black. The feelings are strong, however, and each man's point of view is very revealing and believable. It's a fun kind of look at a first time situation, well worth the read.[3]
