On the Cold Hill's Side

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Title: On Cold Hill's Side
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On the Cold Hill's Side is a Robin of Sherwood story by Rebecca Brothers, Pat Dunn, and Diana Smith.

It is in the Nicholas & Varina universe.

The story includes many original characters, including some fan casted ones.

It was printed in The Collected Nicholas and Varina and Turn of the Wheel #1.


The blood-drinking fugnwr gwaed has attacked Lady Harton. All seems lost until a mysterious stranger and his Lady show up to help, and Robin of Loxley listens carefully to Herne about how to use the silver arrow.

Comments by One of the Co-Authors

Comments in 1993 by Rebecca Ann Brothers, one of the authors of "On Cold Hill's Side" --

Re: the RoS story. *ahem* OK, I've gotten a grip and pulled myself together. (I have very mixed feelings about this story, as there were some...'production problems' on it.) Nicholas and Varina are the creation of my co-authors; they're a vampiric couple who've popped into nearly every fandom known to fenkind, and have their own zine. Nicholas is physically modeled on Duncan Regher, and Carina's resemblance to Deaana Troi is purely intentional. I'm glad you liked the story, though. I'd have scrapped the happy ending, but that's what happens when you write with other people. (Yeah, OK, so any character assessment of me would be headed by: Does not work well with others.) [1]

Brothers also comments on some fan casting (and touches upon RPF) in this story in 1994:

Now I do like Dayfdd Kildragon [2] in Hellhound, but he doesn't come across as Ray Doyle clone either, at least not to me. Lew Brody [3]

, on the other hand, is very like Bodie — and not always with Bodie's good qualities.

Cloning the actor and cloning the character are two very different things: I often do the former, but try never to do the latter. (And I don't believe anyone ever caught onto my "casting" Lewis Collins as a character in a DW story! — probably because he wasn't the least like Bodie. That was "The Eldritch Horror," appearing in BANZINE #2.) The closest I've come to that is in a ROBIN HOOD story, "On The Cold Hill's Side" (in TURN OF THE WHEEL #1), where I did come up with two characters who are a lot like Blake and Avon; hopefully that hasn't annoyed anyone. [4]}}

The a/u so prevalent in PROS didn't do a lot for me, but I could be hypocritical enough to like it in B7, simply because these folks appeal to me more than Bodie & Doyle. In fact I've already done something along those lines, "On the Cold Hill's Side," in a RoS zine, TORN OF THE WHEEL #1; the Blake/Gareth is a Cadfaelian monk, the Avon/Paul a nobleman beset with vampires. It didn't turn out quite the way I wanted, but that's what happens when you write with other people. [5]

  1. ^ from Rallying Call #9
  2. ^ Dayfdd Kildragon is a Ray Doyle fan-casted original character in Hellhound, a Blake's 7 universe.
  3. ^ Lew Brody is a fan-casted William Bodie in the same Blake's 7 universe.
  4. ^ from Rallying Call #11
  5. ^ from Rallying Call #14