On Tethered Wings

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Title: On Tethered Wings
Author(s): Thuri
Date(s): 02 August 2011
Length: 43,000 words
Genre(s): slash, Canon Era AU
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: On Tethered Wings (LiveJournal)
On Tethered Wings (AO3)
On Tethered Wings Art (lukita)
On Tethered Wings Art (randomslasher)
One of the six illustrations by lukita

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On Tethered Wings is a Merlin/Arthur canon era AU by Thuri. It was written for Paperlegends 2011.

Summary: A dragon lord who doesn't know his power, a prince who doesn't know his heritage, and a broken king who doesn't know their destiny. What will happen, when the dragonriders of Camelot break free their bonds, and their mounts rise up once more?

Lukita made six illustrations for the story and randomslasher contributed four illustrations.

Recs and Reviews

Illustration by randomslasher, showing one of the many dragon types.
  • "This fic is an absolute gem. I don't know this author, but I peeked at the art and knew I had to read. (though the art is spoilery, so fair warning). I love the world building done in this fic, not a re-telling of canon - but a drastically different universe set during canon time. From Merlin and Arthur's very first meeting, and Merlin's entrance into Camelot we see that this is not at all 'our' canon. It's brilliantly done, with great depth to this 'tamed' dragon verse with lots of unexpected twists and I'm completely in love with it. And the art, both sets - are beautifully done."[1]
  • "This is a fic created from a single change in canon. And what a change it is! I won't spoil you, but just know that the AU that comes of it is extrapolated wonderfully! We still have prattish-yet-noble Arthur and ever-helpful, optimistic Merlin though their meeting and reasons for working together have altered. This fic has a very cinematic feel, like we're watching an extended au of a Merlin episode. The same characters are there, and they all feel very canon. This is a great read: a gentle romance, a fine adventure, and a satisfying resolution. I caution you to look at the artwork after you read the story. It is spoilery, but you won't have to wait as a lot of it is embedded within the fic. All the art is gorgeous! Links to both artists can be found at the author's masterpost."[2]


  1. ^ marguerite_26. Merlin Big Bang Rec, 03 August 2011. (Accessed 21 August 2011)
  2. ^ ella_bane. Paperlegends Recs!, 12 August 2011. (Accessed 21 August 2011)