Of Peacefulness, Happiness and Forgiveness

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Title: Of Peacefulness, Happiness and Forgiveness
Author(s): Charlotte Frost
Date(s): 1986
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: online here

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Of Peacefulness, Happiness and Forgiveness is a Kirk/Spock story by Charlotte Frost.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #11.


"Spock uses their shoreleave together to try to usage his bondmateʼs guilt over loving another when Kirk was on the Preserverʼs planet with Miramanee."

Reactions and Reviews


A perfect title that says it all in this quiet, lovely story of Kirk and Spock on shore leave in a cottage near a forest. It takes place after Kirk's amnesia and experience with Miramanee. Kirk reveals to Spock that he didn't even think of Spock during that time.

Spock's answer to this is so painfully poignant and so loving - he says he is glad that Kirk was given happiness during that time and the he loves Miramanee because Kirk loved her.

Another wonderful part is Spock's ruminations about Human male sexuality. How he's heard they have continual hard-ons and he thinks that he has been behaving like a young Human male ever since he's been with Kirk. So like Spock!

Yes, this is an early story. Yes, it is simple and direct. Yes, K/S sex has become much more sophisticated since then. But this sex is gently erotic love-making and I enjoyed all the stow building of passion: a passion based on their love for each other. [1]


The title is very expressive and could be used to describe all this fine author’s works.

The time frame is post-Miramanee. Kirk is riddled with guilt. He is devastated that while living that tribal life he had only fleeting recollections of Spock and none whatsoever of their bond or his commitment. It doesn’t help that Spock just keeps reassuring Jim that he understands, finally explaining that he also loved Miramanee. Kirk explodes at this revelation, unable to accept it. Spock calmly inquires why he would not love Kirk’s wife when she was gentle and caring and loved Kirk in his absence.

It is also made clear to us that McCoy is totally unaware of Spock’s and Kirk’s feelings for each other; thus accusing Spock of not caring at all for Kirk.

The ending is what one would expect from the title: blissful. [2]


4/5: Character Study and erotica is an interesting combination. I'm personally not that into it. This was still well written and definitely not bad, just not really for me. [3]
