OTW Fan Video & Multimedia Committee

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Name: Vidding Committee of the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW)
Date(s): ?
Profit/Nonprofit: Nonprofit
Country based in:
Focus: Vids and Vidding, video remix, anime music videos (AMV), machinima, fic trailers, political remix video, multimedia fanworks
External Links: transformativeworks.org
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From the Organization for Transformative Works site:

The Vidding committee is overseeing the OTW's Fan Video and Multimedia projects, including those outlined in the Fan Video Roadmap. (Upcoming projects include collaborating with AD&T on a revised works blurb for fan video embeds and setting up the Dark Archive.) Vidding also works in collaboration with Legal to effect positive change in the legal climate for vidders and other video remix artists; we are currently working on the renewal of the DMCA Exemption for Noncommercial Remixers.[1]

A similar project is Media Fandom Oral History Project.

Similar Projects


(formation, chairs, people involved & their experiences, meta, views, etc)

Fan Video & Multimedia was originally called the Vidding committee. It formed to work on projects including the "24/7"_DIY_Video_Summit, the Vidding (2008) documentary made with MIT/NML, the Test Suite of Fair Use Vids (2009), and to collaborate with OTW Legal on the DMCA exemptions for noncommercial vidders and other vidding-related advocacy projects. Coppa and others interested in video also investigated a host of then-current and then-developing open source video hosting and sharing solutions, but solutions were either nascent or not useful for fans.

The Vidding committee was later designated a work group (in 2012?) before becoming the present Fan Video & Multimedia committee in early 2013. The committee was put on hiatus in February 2014. It is formally closed as of 2017.

  • 2009?-2012 chair: Francesca Coppa
  • 2013 co-chairs: Natacha Guyot & Tisha Turk
  • 2014 chair: Tisha Turk

