Motel, 3 a.m. & Coming to This

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Title: Motel, 3 a.m. & Coming to This
Author(s): Kat Allison
Date(s): November 13 & 15, 1997
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Motel, 3 a.m. (Kat Allison's Stories)
Coming to This (Kat Allison's Stories)
Motel, 3 a.m. (earlier copy)
Coming to This (earlier copy)

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Motel, 3 a.m. and Coming to This are two Mulder/Krycek snippets by Kat Allison.

Summary: Two very short Mulder/Krycek pieces—outtakes from an unfinished novel. November 1997.

Recs and Reviews

Unknown Date

Motel, 3 A.M. and Coming to This - Very short, no real plot, no real sex, every word right on target. I wish I could write like this woman.[1]

I think Kat Allison is one of the best writers in fandom. I just love her turn of phrase: "The Rumpelstiltskin of paranoia" - what's not to love about that? She has a melancholy perspective but her writing is so good I can't help but come back to it again and again.[2]


I'm going for short but sweet this time. Or, well, sweet may not be the right word. The 500-word challenge on the M/K list made a lot of people write a lot of interesting things, but these little snippets are actually parts of a longer work in progress. I hope Kat Allison can bear the nagging that will ensue. Motel: 3 A. M. and Coming to this are like paper cuts; so swift and clean, you don't feel the pain till afterwards.[3]
