Kat Allison

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Name: Kat Allison
Type: Fan writer
Fandoms: due South, Hard Core Logo, Highlander, X-Files
URL: Kat Allison at AO3
http://www.katallison.com (Kat Allison's Fiction)
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Kat Allison is known primarily for her Highlander stories, particularly those featuring Methos, and her brilliantly written, poignant, and often unhappy Due South stories. In particular, her story The End of the Road, a post-Call of the Wild story with an unhappy ending, is often cited by fans as necessitating the immediate reading of several comfort fic/safety tab stories. Kat is also known for her influential Hard Core Logo story Xeriscape, written from the POV of John Oxenberger.

Kat Allison's first X-Files story, Revenant, (crossover with MillenniuM), was posted in 1997. [1]

Writing Style

exbex says of Kat's due South writing:

" Besides being a master storyteller, Kat writes angst beautifully. It’s the kind of angst that comes from a realistic vision of life, with all of its dangers and disappointments (that‘s this profiler‘s interpretation, anyway). Kat’s dark fan fiction maintains the characterizations of Due South, and makes me muse over what Due South would have been like if the show had had the flavor of darker television shows like Angel, Durham County, or Battlestar Galactica." [2]

Notable Works

due South

  • The End of the Road (Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17, 110k words) A realistic, excellently written and perfectly paced post-COTW story in which Fraser and Ray K try to build a life together in Inuvik. Although it’s a sad story, it has several moments of joy. Be sure to read the epilogue Solstice.
  • Go Gentle (Fraser/Kowalski, Vecchio, PG-13, 8800 words) Vecchio visits a dying Fraser, and must come to terms with both this and Fraser and Kowalski’s relationship. The characterizations are spot on.
  • Executor Harding Welsh first-person point-of-view. It's a piece that explores a possible AU realistically and draws a fascinating character sketch. Incredible and heart-breaking.
  • Roots Rain (Fraser, 10k words) A hard look at how life leaves us battered, bruised, and disappointed. The character introspection is true to Fraser, but goes deeper than the show ever did.


  1. ^ "A writer to watch out for: Kat Allison has just posted her first X-Files slash story, Revenant, a dark and lovely thing. It's a crossover, and I don't like crossovers. It features Frank Black, and I don't like Frank Black. I love this story. Read it." -- the flambeau factory: recommendations 1997, Archived version
  2. ^ exbex, due South Author Profile: Kat Allison posted on 10 March 2010 (Accessed 13 March 2010)