Monopoly (Professionals story)

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Title: Monopoly
Author(s): Kitty Fisher
Date(s): 2002, 2003
Length: 21K
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle, BDSM
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: MONOPOLY (Kitty's House of Pleasure... and Pain)
Monopoly (The Circuit Archive)
Monopoly (The Hatstand)

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Monopoly by Kitty Fisher is a Professionals slash Bodie/Doyle story. It was originally published in Discovered in a Letterbox 23 in Autumn 2002. It was posted to The Circuit Archive on December 31, 2003.

One reviewer's summary: "There are lots of alley scenes in Pros....Here's another: one without angst, promiscuous, full frontal sexuality, kinked and slightly insane. Have fun, be safe."[1]



There are lots of alley scenes in Pros. There is a rather painful one in Ringing in the Changes, just reccd. Here’s another: one without angst, promiscuous, full frontal sexuality, kinked and slightly insane. Have fun, be safe.[2]


Monopoly by Kitty Fisher hits all of my buttons. It's what I consider gritty BDSM but gritty really makes me happy in this case. I will read almost any BDSM story that is fully consensual and I can take a lot of rough sex between two men. This story gives us two hard men fucking to within an inch of their lives. I fully realise that this isn't a story for everybody. It's definitely an acquired taste. *g*

I think the first few paragraphs nicely set up the scene. It's not love, we're led to believe from the lead in paragraphs. It's dirty sex between two men.

Doyle is waiting:

Doyle straightened, listening to almost silence as the TV clicked off. Without the brash noise the alley seemed to close in. Shadowy, like the molasses his nan had used to make ginger cake; thickly cloying, shiny, sweeter for his own anticipation of the final result. He licked his lips, and plucked at the untucked hem of his T-shirt, wafting air. He was lightly dressed. No gun. No jacket. Nothing to get in the way... of whatever was coming. Whatever Bodie brought. Wanted. Gave...

This paragraph is just about perfect to me. I really like the description of what Doyle thinks of Bodie's confidence anywhere :

A shadow-shift at the edge of his perception, and a figure approached from his left. Unexpected when the road was a dog-leg of alley to his right. Left was... what? Nothing. Something. Somewhere Bodie knew. But then Bodie was at home in the strangest of places. In back alleys. In the secret hours between midnight and dawn.

And this description of Bodie makes me all tingly:

Black polo neck under a black biker's jacket, scratched and dulled with age, black jeans, boots. Unsmiling, his face hollowed and sharpened in the muted streetlight. Doyle knew -- just from the tension in the wide shoulders -- that Bodie was hard. Needy. He felt his sphincter tighten, felt his balls crawl upwards as his cock surged. Hungry Bodie. A dark night and a secluded alleyway. And games as expiation, as benediction. The slow twist of time stopped, here.

The game starts and we're treated to lines like this:

Not fighting. Lost on the cusp of the illusion of helplessness, the reality of submission, Doyle shivered. Hot night air on his skin. Nipples hard, sensitised beyond belief. When Bodie smiled Doyle arched into him, whimpering helplessly, saliva wet on his wide-stretched lips, cooling on his chin.

And just so further emphasise that this is consensual, we're told:

Jesus, he wanted this so much. Wanted Bodie. To fuck him. Hard. Though the tongue was making thought impossible. Making everything impossible, except simple need. Enough to make him sob. Breathlessly, wordlessly begging, the tension rippling in his arms as he held on, stretched and bent, held just as Bodie wanted him.

There is pain and pleasure, and hard fucking and more pain, until Doyle gets what he wants. Until we find out why they picked this night, this alley, this time together to celebrate:

Looking up he (Doyle) caught a smile that showed a flash of white teeth. "I'm alive. I didn't die."

"Just as well." Doyle slid his face between the jacket and Bodie's neck. Snuffled skin. Sweat and animal and scent. Life in the pulse of blood. "Don't scare me, cretin. It's not good for me."

And then the lads toddle off together to head to home and another sort of game and maybe Doyle will now get his turn.

So... Rough story, pain mixed with pleasure, some straight-out painful moments, and by the end, trust and love. I've read almost every story in my three fandoms classified as BDSM and I consider this one the best short story in the genre. I like the timing of the sentences and the way the author constructed them. I like the "textures" we're given of the entire experience: the alley and the clothes and the sex, their reactions and feelings. And for me the complete trust we know exists between Bodie and Doyle is clearly conveyed.

Everything in this story is so easily pictured here for me, so them for me that every time I read it, I'm left with a good feeling that they'll always be there for each other and always cover each other's backs -- in more ways than one.[3]

If this wasn't the first BDSM story that I read, then it was the first that made me think, "so that's what it's all about!" [4]

For me this is a story where I have to exercise some separation of content and execution in order to try and appreciate it, as while I think it's skillfully done I don't like reading actual pain (as opposed to discomfort or just restraint) deliberately planned and inflicted, even when wholly consensual (though I am all over a bit of rough, up to and including a little pain, when the context supports getting carried away; otherwise I'm more into e.g. Courtney Grey's Object of Desire or Josey's No Place Like Home). (Actual pain also has the effect of making me see paraphernalia as gadgety and narratively clunky, tending to break me out of a story rather than reading smoothly.) So yes, it's in the context of a narrow escape, but ... and the characterisation is internally consistent, but .... and the descriptive writing is beautifully done, with vivid smells and tastes and sights and sensations all complete, but ... I suppose I admire the skill with which the china has been shaped and exquisitely decorated and the leaves have been harvested, dried, brewed and served but it's not really my cup of tea.[5]

I'm not a huge fan of BDSM... unless it's a Kitty Fisher. I don't know how she does it, but when I'm reading a Kitty Fisher I enjoy the BDSM elements! This is, for me, almost the perfect PWP - it is intensely atmospheric (the reader is right there in that alley with Doyle, from the very first sentence) - and hot as hell, but it also reveals the lads' relationship in almost every line.

It is clear that this is not just about kinky sex - they both need it that way, and both also find almost as much fulfilment in giving the other what he needs as in fulfilling his own. There is love and caring in Bodie's careful freeing of Doyle afterwards, and there is love implicit in Doyle burying his head in Bodie's neck, breathing in his partner's scent to convince himself that Bodie was still alive.

Oh yeah... and did I mention that it was hot? *g*

Definitely one of my favourites - thanks for the rec! [6]

I adore this one, it was one of the earliest fics I read and it's a firm favourite. I've never thought about its labels before (PWP, BDSM etc), for me it's a relationship piece, and despite being just a snapshot of their lives KF cleverly conveys a lot about them.

It's absolutely beautifully written; the first part right up to Bodie's arrival is just gorgeous, almost poetic with the rhythm of time ticking, the atmosphere, and the tension building... And of course it's incredibly erotic! This is how they exorcise the demons of the job, and it's an affirmation that they're alive and together... they both want and need it, need each other.

And like you, it leaves me with a good feeling. I find it a very reassuring read, I'm totally assured of their togetherness, equality and passion, and they're so in tune with one another, it's emotionally satisfying.

And I agree it's very "them", I can totally see them in this.[7]


  1. ^ Monopoly by Kitty Fisher (NC-17, BDSM) post at the crack-van LJ community dated June 23, 2005.
  2. ^ June 2005 rec at Crack Van
  3. ^ The story was reviewed by LilyK aka sc_fossil on April 16, 2009, at CI5 HQ. The entire review is reposted here with her permission.
  4. ^ comment in The Reading Room -- Fic: Monopoly by Kitty Fisher post in the ci5hq LJ community dated April 16, 2009; (accessed April 12, 2013].
  5. ^ comment in The Reading Room -- Fic: Monopoly by Kitty Fisher post in the ci5hq LJ community dated April 16, 2009; (accessed April 12, 2013].
  6. ^ comment in The Reading Room -- Fic: Monopoly by Kitty Fisher post in the ci5hq LJ community dated April 16, 2009; (accessed April 12, 2013].
  7. ^ comment in The Reading Room -- Fic: Monopoly by Kitty Fisher post in the ci5hq LJ community dated April 16, 2009; (accessed April 12, 2013].