Monk and Robot

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Name: Monk and Robot
Creator: Becky Chambers
Date(s): July 13, 2021
Medium: Novel
Country of Origin: United States
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Monk and Robot is a solarpunk duology written by Becky Chambers. It comprises of two novellas: A Psalm for the Wild-Built and A Prayer for the Crown-Shy.



A moodboard by ButlerOfKings showing the book's cozy aesthetic[1]

The series has a small fandom, but has become particularly popular for being part of the "cozy fantasy" (or moreso, the "cozy sci-fi" genre). The book has been frequently recommended on BookTube, BookTok and Reddit, often in rec lists concerning the aforementioned genres. She is also associated with the hopepunk genre.[2]

There is significant fandom overlap with Chambers' other series Wayfarers, also known for being a quintessential example of cozy science fiction. Another overlapping fandom is the adult animated series Scavengers Reign, with some fanart and memes of the series main robot characters.


In terms of fanworks, activity is rare and small. Some fanfiction, including a small number on AO3.

It qualifies as a Yuletide fandom, with under 10 fics. One of the earliest works being Next by Kass, whom was a prolific writer known for The Sentinel, due South, Stargate Atlantis, among others. As one fan commented:

I told a DW Circle friend who is very much a "small fandoms" person that I have become intensely fannish about Monk and Robot and that it seemed to be a tiny fandom that didn't have a DW comm and I didn't know how to connect with other Monk and Robot fen. She's the one who said that she often finds others in her small fandoms by searching for fanworks of those fandoms on AO3 and then connecting with those creators. Well, I took her advice and did that search and found just two fanworks in this fandom...and found THIS one with the particular delight of it being by YOU with whom I have shared other fandoms for over a decade. Welcome, Comfort indeed![3]


Fanart is more common, especially of Mosscap, the book's titular robot. Another common topic is the wagon:

I need someone with drawing talent to draw what the full wagon from “a psalm for the wild built” looks like. I yearn to see it[4]


There is also a fangame for the series, named Lunar Echos, created by David Blandy, described as an "GM-less TTRPG where you guide your characters on adventures around the future moon of Panga".[5] It is hack of the table-top roleplaying game Wanderhome by Jay Dragon, adapted based on Monk & Robot.









  1. ^ Marvel At The World by ButlerOfKings (2024)
  2. ^ Kehe, Jason. "Is Becky Chambers the Ultimate Hope for Science Fiction?". (Sep 16, 2021)
  3. ^ Comment by Ride_Forever on AO3 (29 Nov 2023)
  4. ^ Post by soyboyanarchy (April 3, 2024)
  5. ^ Blandy, D. "Lunar Echos" Accessed 5 July 2024.