Scavengers Reign

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Name: Scavengers Reign
Creator: Joseph Bennett
Charles Huettner
Date(s): 2016 (short film); 2022 - present? (TV series)
Medium: animation
Country of Origin: United States
External Links: official site, wikipedia, IMDB profile
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Scavengers Reign is an animated TV Show


Move to Netflix/Fan revival campaign

It was canceled at HBO Max, but picked up and restreamed at Netflix beginning May 31, 2024. Fans ran a popularity campaign to get more people to stream it in hopes of getting Netflix to greenlight a second season.[1][2]

Example Fanworks



  1. ^ Post by cooperhoward, Archived version with followup pitches by ankle-beez and Ad Astra.
  2. ^ Tumblr post by passionpeachy. 1 June 2024.