Ad Astra Science Fiction Institute

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The Ad Astra Institute for Science Fiction & the Speculative Imagination run workshops and events for original writers, but their tumblr discusses a lot of SFF fandom.[1]

The Ad Astra Institute for Science Fiction & the Speculative Imagination brings together creators, educators, and fans to study and create speculative fiction that changes the world. Through a growing set of classes, we offer a comprehensive education and ongoing community. The people we work with create art that opens minds and imaginations, reaching for the stars and striving to "Save the world through science fiction!"

Originally founded at the University of Kansas, we've grown into a nonprofit offering workshops, masterclasses, SF courses, and more.[2]


The 501(c)3 was founded in 2021, but the staff and events have been active SFF workshops and fandom since the 1990s. Considers itself a "spiritual successor" to James Gunn's Center for the Study of Science Fiction, founded at the University of Kansas in 1983.[3]

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