Monday Morning at the Anti-Matter Cooler

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Title: Monday Morning at the Anti-Matter Cooler
Author(s): Jungle Kitty
Date(s): 2002
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Monday Morning at the Anti-Matter Cooler is a Star Trek: TOS story by Jungle Kitty.

It was nominated for a 2002 ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

I love the 'dishing' that goes on in this story. I'll bet that's what the Lower Deckers really do talk about! [1]

First of all, I adore the title. The fic itself begins, in the fine tradition of "If Minimum Wage Cashiers Wrote ST:DS9," with hilarous vacuousness. Then the fatal stupidity of the characters creeps up on you just as the water level creeps up on them. The ending is just right. Overall, both the humor and the pacing were top-notch. [2]

Like her "Dear Miss Lovelorn," Jungle Kitty's "Monday Morning at the Anti-Matter Cooler" was funny from beginning to end. Consisting of a deliciously catty gossipy conversation around the "anti-matter cooler" about each of the original series regulars (with no character left unmocked--and yet usually in a dead on way--such as Chekov with his screaming and you are certainly left in no doubt what the speaker thinks of Chapel) this challenge piece read effortlessly. I had to love all the slobbering about Kirk because it was sooo well done. (I "dream of that Like her "Dear Miss Lovelorn," Jungle Kitty's "Monday Morning at the Anti-Matter Cooler" was funny from beginning to end. Consisting of a deliciously catty gossipy conversation around the "anti-matter cooler" about each of the original series regulars (with no character left unmocked--and yet usually in a dead on way--such as Chekov with his screaming and you are certainly left in no doubt what the speaker thinks of Chapel) this challenge piece read effortlessly. I had to love all the slobbering about Kirk because it was sooo well done. (I "dream of that smile" too so I’ve been there) And there are many great moments in a short space (it's vignette length so no excuse not to read it!)--too many to note. I was greatly fond of the detail that Spock drops more decimal points the sicker he gets with this cold and the nod to the perpetual "I'm a doctor, not a..." line. The end particularly left me hysterical, especially given one of the character's mad scheme to get noticed by the right people... The entire tale is told in dialogue so you just zip through the whole thing...far too quickly. This was a comic romp not to be missed! [3]

Very funny story. Talk about two dingbats! Love the ending. [4]

I wish I had the words. JK at her twisted parodying best. This was good to the last drop of radioactive water. You just know that somewhere on the Enterprise these two were hiding.... [5]

Truly superb. Witty, with an excellent grasp of TOS at its finest - and characters at their worst. Jim in the gym in tights, Spock's sinuses, Neo-Andorian fusion, and the exquitely brilliant 'technobabbilizer'. I bow before Jungle Kitty's wit. [6]

ROTFL! Oh, this was priceless. As logical a reason for redshirtitis as I've ever read. This is one of those stories that you *know* were happening behind the scenes of TOS. I mean, come on, not everybody on board the Enterprise could be a genius, right? Splendidly bitchy. [7]

Chattering morons in the workplace -- who are standing around discussing Kirk's sexy bod instead of doing their work, of course -- get skewered as only Jungle Kitty can do it. [8]
