Misty Quigley/Natalie Scatorccio

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Pairing: Misty Quigley/Natalie Scatorccio
Alternative name(s): Mistynat, Nasty
Gender category: F/F, Femslash
Fandom: Yellowjackets
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Uncommon
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Misty Quigley/Natalie Scatorccio is a relatively small pairing in the Yellowjackets fandom.


(description of the relevant characters' relationship in canon)


Spoiler Warning: This article or section may contain spoilers. If this bothers you, proceed with caution.

A lot of the fannish interest in the pairing initially came from the interactions between the two characters in the adult timeline, where there is a relationship that wavers between reluctant friendship (on Natalie's side) to antagonistic (usually primarily on Natalie's side, too). After all, their first scene together in adulthood is Natalie pointing a gun at Misty and greeting her with, "Hello Misty, you crazy fucking bitch", swiftly followed by them teaming up to find out what happened to Travis Martinez.

However, there were plenty of moments throughout the two seasons that fans of the pairing were drawn to and discussed. Most notably how Misty was the one who "saved" Natalie during the hunt (where Natalie was chosen as the sacrifice), by pulling her away from rescuing Javi Martinez drowning. Misty's considerable jealousy when she learns that Lottie had Natalie kidnapped in adulthood in order to rescue her also plays into many fan discussions about how she feels about Natalie.

The tragedy of Misty being the one to kill Natalie in the adult time-line being contrast against her being the one to save Natalie in the teenage time-line is also a source of considerable discussion by fans of the pairing.

Fan Commentary

(overview of fans' reactions to the ship, including relevant quotes from both within and outside the fandom)

the way that adult Natalie is cold toward Misty & keeps her at arm’s length & adult Misty’s obsessive desire to protect Natalie at all costs is put into such a new context when you understand that Natalie resents Misty not for trapping them in the wilderness not for being “weird” or “crazy” but because Misty SAVED her.


mistynat is so great it’s like what if two milfs tried to out crazy each other while solving mysteries


Common Tropes and Fanon


Some parts of the fandom find the fannish interest in the Mistynat pairing confusing, initially due to the dynamics between the two of them are rarely without some toxic elements to them and then because Misty accidentally kills Natalie at the end of season two.

The whole obsession that this fandom has for Misty and Nat’s friendship feels really weird considering the implications of their relationship. Especially when people ship them and are all like “omg! Misty really loves Nat” like girl.. are we watching the same show?

I mean Misty is like a moth to a flame, or a leech, she is just always drawn to whoever has more power. None of her friendships, except Crystal, are real, and we all know how that one ended.

The switch up she does on Lottie when Lottie hands Nat the power, is incredible. Now Misty will make herself Nat’s right hand.

lyannarhaegars [3]

However, as is often discussed when discussions that are expressing disbelief or disdain for pairings come up, in the Yellowjackets fandom, complaints about a pairing being toxic or problematic don't make much sense given that all of the characters have done messed up, terrible things and that is basically the premise of the show in some ways.

yellowjackets does not have any healthy relationships, nothing, zero, they are all toxic

btvsfuffyyllojakc [4]

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  1. ^ juniperhillpatient post, Tumblr. May 22, 2023. (Oct. 7, 2023)
  2. ^ toocabaret post, Tumblr. Mar. 11, 2023. (Oct. 7, 2023)
  3. ^ lyannarhaegars post, Tumblr. May 27. 2023. (Accessed Oct. 7, 2023)
  4. ^ btvsfuffyyllojakc post, Tumblr. Sept. 21, 2023. (Accessed: Oct. 7, 2023)