Mirror Expiation

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Title: Mirror Expiation
Author(s): Gena Moretti
Date(s): 1991
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Mirror Expiation is a Kirk/Spock story by Gena Moretti.

It was published in the print zine Within the Mirror #5.


Reactions and Reviews


Of all the ways K/S can get together in that alternate universe, this one seems to me most likely. It begins impersonally, goes badly, and yet reveals the love between the two men in the end. This was well written. [1]

I know some K/Sers object to rough sex, rape, etc. These people won't like "Mirror Expiation." However, this story explains why Kirk needs rough sex as well as why Spock complies. I thought there were some weak plot moments in the middle, but overall this is a great psychological story. Kirk knows he's messed up!

At the end (final page) the writing is superb. I laughed as Kirk did when Spock gives him a compliment which Kirk has blatantly fished for. It was cute. There are some other nicely written lines in this as well. The weak part for me was the male bull session. I had a hard time really believing Kirk was telling dirty jokes or whatever to Spock. This story was one of the highlights for me [in the zine]. [2]
