Midnight Glory

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Title: Midnight Glory
Author(s): Susan Wyllie
Date(s): 1982
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Midnight Glory is a Kirk/Spock story by Susan Wyllie.

the illo by Barbara P. Gordon which the story is based upon

It was published in the print zine Duet #6, and one of a series of fanworks based on a single illo.


"Spock is horrified to discover a painting of his bondmate at an art exhibit in which a young Lt. Kirk is nude and masterbating."

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A rather possessive Spock comes across a nude portrait of his bondmate in a public art gallery on Alpha Centauri. The consequences of this prove to be expensive to Spock and embarrassing to Kirk. The artist, one of Kirk's old girlfriends, learns a lesson when she comes up against Spock.[1]


  1. ^ from Communicator #15 (1984)