McShep Match Team Romance 2007 Interview with ras elased

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Team Romance McShep Match Interview with ras elased
Interviewee: August 12, 2007
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here, Archived version
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

ras elased was interviewed in 2007 for McShep Romance.

It is part of this project: Team Angst and Romance McShep Match Interview Series.


[I've been writing fan fiction] in SGA, about 1 year. Total, about seven years, but thank god most of that has been lost to the abyss of the internet. [My participation in other fandoms:] Harry Potter, BtVS, Angel, Doctor Who, Torchwood, and X-Files all come to mind. Recently, I am being sucked into SPN, Dresden Files, and Eureka, with the occasional dabble into Firefly, Psych, and CSI.

[What I enjoy most about SGA]: You mean aside from the hilarious crack and the imaginative AUs and the hot slash and the amazing, amazing writing? *g* There's quite a lot, actually.

I think what I like most about the show is, obviously, the McKay/Sheppard dynamic. I love to watch those two, in every sense of the word. They really bring too much joy into my life than can be strictly healthy.

My favorite thing about SGA fandom is how jaw-droppingly awesome the writing is. There is literally something for everyone, and if by some miracle you don't find what you're looking for someone will write it for you, and write it well! I also love that nobody takes themselves too seriously (how can you with the kind of delicious crack this fandom cranks out?) and everyone bonds over goofy, dorky boy-love. My fandom has a great big heart and I love it!