Lost Without Each Other Trilogy

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Title: Lost Without Each Other Trilogy
Author(s): Kerry
Date(s): 2005
Length: 90 chapters per story, ~540k words total
Genre(s): incest romance
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: lweotrilogy.livejournal.com, users.livejournal.com/_neverescape, users.livejournal.com/_wanttoornot and users.livejournal.com/_mybestfriend

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The Lost Without Each Other Trilogy is a series of three Hanson fanfics (and one spinoff) written by Kerry. The stories featured an incestuous relationship between Zac and Taylor, and was one of the stories that catapulted that pairing to mainstream popularity. The terms hancest and Zaylor seem to have been coined by its readers.[1][2]

If You Read This

The first story in the trilogy, written from Zac and Taylor's perspectives as they realize and attempt to come to terms with their feelings for each other, while Zac's relationship with his girlfriend Laura (based loosely on his real life girlfriend at the time) is falling apart. They also have to face their family's reaction to the discovery of their relationship while Taylor attempts to keep his marriage to Lenna (Laura's best friend, also based on Taylor's real life wife) from falling apart.

Not long after completing the trilogy, Kerry edited and republished this story, cutting the number of chapters down significantly.

You'll Never Escape

The second story in the trilogy, in which Zac and Taylor continue their relationship. A side plot involving their younger sister Jessica, one of their only supportive siblings, dating Zac's best friend Jason also occurs and ends poorly. The story ends with Isaac marrying Dayle, a girl he met during the story, and a mysterious stranger taking a photo of Zac and Taylor kissing at the reception.

An edited version of this story was published in part but not completed.

Whether You Want To Or Not

The last story in the trilogy, in which Taylor's marriage to Lenna finally falls apart and he briefly leaves Zac and moves in with a female friend. The reason for Jason's treatment of Jessica is revealed, to Zac's surprise. Also to Zac's surprise, his ex-girlfriend Laura announces she is pregnant with his child and he feels compelled to marry her. The truth about Laura is only revealed in the last chapter of the story, where Zac and Taylor's relationship also becomes public knowledge.

My Best Friend

A spinoff of the trilogy, written as an actual diary kept by Jason, Zac's best friend. This spinoff reveals more of his perspective during the events of the trilogy.

Reactions and Reviews

Even though the chapter number is daunting, this really isn’t a very long read, and that’s a plus. There are some cute and touching moments, and there’s really nothing horribly wrong with it, but the execution—short chapters, over the top characters, unpolished writing—leaves a lot to be desired. Perhaps the rewrite would have been a better read.[3]

Once the plot actually gets going on, there’s a lot of different elements to it. Some of them don’t get the attention I thought they deserved, with real, interesting issues being glossed over or awkwardly “solved” while overdramatic miscommunications take center stage. It ends on a huge cliffhanger, which I’ve been waiting for, and will actually be anxious to see resolved in the final part of the trilogy.[4]

One thing that does impress me about this trilogy is the obvious thought Kerry has put into them—right down to how well the titles fit together. Then you throw in the fact that she wrote all three in just four months.[5]

In true romantic style, the Lost Without Each Other trilogy follows the ups and downs and the ins and outs of Hanson. Zac and Taylor are two atypical guys trying to deal with breaking new territory while living the typical rockstar lifestyle. Will they have the resolve to nuture a growing love, and keep that relationship hidden from the public? In this story, the readers will learn of a love that transcends boundaries set by family, religion, and American culture, and whether that love is strong enough to overcome the confines of celebrity and society.[6]


This trilogy won awards in the Various Artists Awards. It is also featured in the PlaceToHide.net hall of fame.

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