live from the apopalypse

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Title: live from the apopalypse
Author(s): nopseud/no pseud attached
Date(s): 2003?-2009
Length: 300,000 words
Genre(s): slash, rpf, rps, fanfiction, horror, apocafic, ghost (trope), possession, bodysharing, crossdressing
Fandom(s): 'N Sync
External Links: on Nopseud's website

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live from the apopalypse (note the spelling) is an epic-length popslash story, chronicling the efforts of the members of Nsync to stay alive in the aftermath of a vast plague that has wiped out much of the world's population. Multiple pairings, minor character death.

Nopseud worked on this story over a period of several years, finally completing it in May of 2009. A few of the individual chapters can still be found on her Livejournal.

Summary: Where do you go when the world ends?