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Alias(es): LemmingDancer
Type: fan writer
Fandoms: The Witcher, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, and others
URL: LemmingDancer at AO3
LemmingDancer at Fanfiction.net
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LemmingDancer is a fanfiction writer who, as of 2023, primarily writes in The Witcher and Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries fandoms, though has some works in other fandoms as well.


Hello! I'm a writer, apparently. Actually, during the day I write computer code. Which can be beautiful, if you are into that kind of thing. I am. But by night, I'm a writer. I used to mostly write narrative non-fiction, because it's easy to write stories about things that actually happened. And I have an original YA novel 3/4 done (who doesn't?) (UPDATE: now I have two, 3/4 done novels, I'm seeing a trend). But I frequently and easily become obsessed with TV shows and books, and lose the plot (literally, heh) of my novel(s).

I'm 'murican but I watch too much Aussie and Brit TV, which while it may not redeem me entirely, must surely indicate something about my taste?[1]

Notable Fanworks

  • Skin Debt in The Witcher fandom: One of LemmingDancer's most popular works on AO3, Geralt/Jaskier. "Geralt’s life was a series of transactions. His human heart and soul exchanged for a predator’s teeth and eyes, a monster head for too little coin, too much coin for tasteless gruel…an endless spiral of uneven trades and bad bargains, Geralt giving too much and receiving too little in return. Sex was just another transaction. Now, if only the bard would stick to the terms."
  • Forgiveness in The Witcher fandom: LemmingDancer appeared on The Fanfic Maverick to discuss this work, which is focused on recovery and trauma, Geralt/Jaskier. "Geralt and Jaskier's budding romance is just starting to unfurl when Geralt is forced to trade his own pain for the bard's safety. Geralt represses, Jaskier misunderstands, and Eskel picks up the pieces. A frantic cry for help will test Geralt's fragile new normal, forcing him to find his feet or risk losing an entire region of the continent, his family, and his life."


  1. ^ Archive of Our Own profile, [1]. (Accessed 1 November 2023.)