Legend (Beauty and the Beast zine)

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Title: Legend
Editor(s): Kathy Cox
Date(s): May 1991
Medium: print
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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P.S. Nim

Legend is a het 120-page Beauty and the Beast anthology Kathy Cox. Art by Beth Blighton, P.S. Nim (front cover), Pam Tuck, Kriss Farver, Barbara Gipson, Lena Wood, Kevin Hopkins, and Jeanne McClure.


This zine series was mentioned in January 1990, just after the news came to fans about the show and its third season.

For fans having trouble being, as one newspaper reviewer dubbed it, "deCatherinated, fan-fiction zine editor Kathy Cox is the first to offer an "alternate timeline in which this love does not meet a tragic end" in the third volume of her publication "Destiny III" ... "Destiny would continue as 'Classic' B&B, (with) Catherine very much alive and well." Taking a "wait and see" stance as well, Kathy speculated, "Should Season 3 open new directions which we as writers and artists find exciting and appealing ...we'll begin a whole new zine series devoted to 'Current' B&B, titled 'Legend'. [1]

Reactions and Reviews

This zine should be a favorite of people who enjoy the 3rd season story line and want to explore further a growing romance between Diana and Vincent. Although no sexual relationship takes place, a deep emotional one is forming and the framework is clearly laid for the romance to continue in a future volume. The story line is handled well and each story builds upon the previous one. It should be mentioned, however, that a great deal of this zine is devoted to "Navahopi," a novel-length story of Diana's relationship with an American Indian. I found the character interesting and the story compelling, but some readers may not. Although Vincent is not the main focus of this story, the reader is struck by the interesting parallel drawn between their lives. [2]

Stories giving psychological background on 3rd season, 4th season events. Novelette, “Navahopi,” in which Diana meets a very attractive and troubled Amerindian trying to cope with his brother's death (Vincent is jealous), is particularly fine. All but the severely 3rd/4th season allergic will want this one. Final printing. [3]
