Kon-El/Cassandra Cain

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Pairing: Kon-El/Cassandra Cain
Alternative name(s): CassKon, KonCass
Gender category: m/f
Fandom: Batman, Superboy, Young Justice
Canonical?: canon (short-lived) in Young Justice
Prevalence: rare
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Popularity and discussion

In its original 00s era, CassKon never came close to the popularity of other ships involving either character.

CassKon may be considered a SuperBat pairing—SuperBat chiefly referring to the popular Superman/Batman slash pairing, but also at times used as an umbrella term for pairings of a Super and a Bat, such as Tim/Kon, Superbird, Kara/Jason, and Jon/Damian.

That One Cass Anon (T-o-C-A)

That One Cass Anon (T-o-C-A) is a legendary fan who has spent thousands of dollars on art commissions of Cass, and particularly the rarepair CassKon.[1] Some of T-o-C-A's many commissions have come to be among the most recognizable pieces of Cassandra Cain fan art in the fandom, and T-o-C-A is often credited as single-handedly responsible for the rise of a niche but visible CassKon fandom in the 2020s.

Some fans are grateful for T-o-C-A's investment into Cass' popularity. Others in the fandom have expressed annoyance that the most prominently circulating Cass fan art is often one of T-o-C-A's CassKon commissions.[2] Others still may have neutral feelings about CassKon, yet are impressed by T-o-C-A's sheer dedication to sailing his ship; for his patronage of the arts, T-o-C-A has been labelled as something of a modern-day Medici of online fandom.[3]

After over fifteen years of the pairing's absence from official media, and only extremely rare mentions in fan discussions, fans have speculated that T-o-C-A's prolific commissions prompted a DC artist to depict Cass owning a Superboy plushy on an official cover for the comic Batgirls (2022) #1,[2] as well as a brief flashback cameo of CassKon in the very popular Webtoon Batman: Wayne Family Adventures.[4]

Notable fanon and tropes in fan works

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