Kling-Kon (California Star Trek con)

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You may be looking for Convention of the Great Klingon Empire, a 1981 Australian con also referred to as "Klingkon."

Name: Kling-Kon
Dates: unclear, but for sure 1991 through 2001
Location: California
Focus: Klingons, Star Trek
Organization: The Klingon Embassy, Tri-Gaming Associates
Founding Date:
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Kling-Kon was a Star Trek convention with a focus of Klingons.

It was "presented by Millennium Convention Management,Inc. and the crew of IKV Silent Death (a member starship of the International Federation of Trekkers)."


cover of the 1991 program book, artist is Anne-Marie Smith

The guests of honor were Mark Lenard and Marina Sirtis. Other guests were Carmen Carter (Star Trek pro book writer), Jeffrey H. Mills, Russ Haslege ("Fleet Admiral, IFT Chief of Operations") Christopher Welty, Al Hulstrunk, Marc B. Lee (president and organizer of the [[Michael Dorn Appreciation Organization), Charlyn Haugewood (Klingon Assault Group), Carol Davis (Star Trek: TNG writer, fanzines).

Mills' topic of discussion:

Jeff's presentation,"Is There Sexual Equality in Star Trek?", will examine the hot subject of sexism in Star Trek, looking at how women characters are portrayed in Trek, whether the situation has improved with the Next Generation series, and how differences between the sexes are played out in Star Trek and the world at large. In his class, and in his convention presentations, Jeff uses video montages from the Classic and Next Generation series to discuss the various social, political, scientific and moral themes raised by the characters, stories and institutions of the Star Trek universe.

From the program book:

This convention is dedicated to the most important people in the Star Trek universe: the fans,who have kept the dream of Star Trek alive for the last 25 years. Here's to the future!

From the program book:

One of the goals of Kling Kon '91 is to demonstrate that Trekkers are a group of intelligent, considerate people who gather at a con to enjoy their mutual interest in Star Trek. So please DO have fun, but remember your manners! Anyone creating a disturbance of any kind (as determined by the convention management) will be asked to leave the convention immediately, without a refund. As a courtesy to non-Trekker hotel guests,please keep noise to a minimum between 10:00p.m. Saturday and 10:00a.m.Sunday.

  • Fan Club Panel: "Saturday: One of most frequently asked questions about fan clubs is... WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU DO? Our Saturday panel will give you a chance to ask the representatives of several national clubs that very question. Sunday: The power of fandom lies in our ability to work together for a common goal. THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD! Sunday's session will address the influence fans have on Star Trek and areas of potential concern to us all."
  • Trek Jeopardy: "This is a take-off of the popular TV game, featuring Trek-oriented questions. Contestants will be chosen from the audience, and prizes will be awarded to the winners!"
  • Masquerade: "Let's party!!! Our late-nite masquerade will feature a live band (who will take requests) and a cash bar at which you can purchase a variety of Syntheholic (non-alcoholic) beverages. The hotel bar will provide service for those who prefer something stronger. Our costume call and judging will take place during the party."
  • Klingon Makeup Workshop: "The Klingon Assault Group is holding an open workshop on makeup and costumes. This is a must for anyone who wants to improve their Klingon look!"





Kling-Kon 1995 was held November 18-19, 1995 at the Golden Gate Holiday Inn in San Francisco, CA "on Terra."

"The KLINGON EMBASSY on Terra would like to invite you to come join us for TWO days of fun at our Embassy. During this time you will meet with our Guests of Honor, have a chance to view and purchase some amazing merchandise, participate in panel discussions of all sorts, try the trivia contest, and perhaps even find a Klingon date."

"This convention is for the enjoyment of all and for the benefit of missing children. All proceeds from the convention, except for seed money for the next year's convention, will be donated to the Kevin Collins Foundation of San Francisco. By the fans for the fans."

"Think you have something to offer, want to be part of KLING-KON *95, then call us and let us decide on your worthiness! If your act is as entertaining as a Pain Stick then don't bother (most Humans can't take it), but if you think you have what it takes then call Mary Cordero [phone number redacted]. We always need a few live targets for the Disruptor fire contest. We are looking for demonstrations/reenactors, panelists, artists (sketch, paint, or draw), etc... Additional events are being added as this flyer is printed. A Live Action Role Playing event is planned from the local chapter of LAGA."

It included: Trivia Contest, bat'telh Demonstration, Klingon Opera, Costume Contest, Unique Merchandise, Autograph sessions, the Klingon Dating Game, plus a number of panels on Klingon-style makeup.

Guests of Honor were: Michael Ansara (Kang in "Day of the Dove"), William Campbell (Koloth in "Trouble with Tribbles" and Trelane in "Squire of Gothos") and John Colicos (Kor in "Errand of Mercy").



Held in Oakland, California.

Photos from 1997: Kling-Kon '97 Photos, Archived version




