Keyla Detmer/Joann Owosekun

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Pairing: Keyla Detmer/Joann Owosekun
Alternative name(s):
Gender category: f/f
Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery
Prevalence: rare
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Keyla Detmer/Joann Owosekun is the femslash pairing of the fictonal characters Keyla Detmer and Joann Owosekun from the Star Trek spin-off Star Trek: Discovery. The pairing is a rarepair. [1]

The ship

Both of them operate at the helm at the USS Discovery, and are often seen side-eyeing each other. After the Discovery crashes in S03E04, with Detmer piloting it successfully to minimize the damages, she accidentally tumbles over the console and hits her head on the floor, causing the area near her cybernetic modifications to bleed. Owosekun is visibly concerned when she notices that Detmer is a little disoriented, and encourages her to go to sickbay. Even though Detmer initially disagrees, Saru, who is now the captain, encourages her to go.


Archives and Communities


  1. ^ As of November 11, 2020, there are 47 works tagged Keyla Detmer/Joann Owosekun at AO3 and none at