Jesse Ramirez

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Name: Jesse Ramirez
Occupation: lawyer
Relationships: Isabel Evans (wife), Max Evans (brother-in-law), Philip & Diane Evans (parents-in-law)
Fandom: Roswell
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Jesse Ramirez is a main character of Roswell in Season 3 only.


Before Marriage

Jesse is introduced in the third season of Roswell. He is a lawyer that works for Philip Evans. It is found out that he and Isabel are having an affair. This involves going to the movies and "accidentally" sitting together. Isabel is not ready for the relationship to go public and Jesse is which strains the relationship. Isabel is still getting over Alex and so she doesn't want to commit fully to Jesse and freaks out when she sees him in a jewelry shop with an engagement ring. She freaks out and dumps him. He decides to leave Roswell. Isabel can't handle him leaving and so she says she will marry him. Jesse is somewhat confused since the engagement ring is his mother's that he is trying to sell. They still decide to get married. Isabel's parents, Max, and Michael all fight her about the wedding but they eventually all accept and participate in it.

After Marriage

After Isabel and Jesse get married Jesse starts to get suspicious of the Evans. Max broke his nose and "healed" it with a steak. It doesn't help when Jesse's friend Eric a reporter comes to visit and start to ask questions.


The only big pairing with Jesse is Isabel/Jesse this ship is know as Barely Legal or Whirlwind Romantics.


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