It's not what you say...

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Title: It's not what you say...
Author(s): Barbana
Date(s): 31 January 2000[1]
Length: 22k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
Relationship(s): Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
External Links: It's not what you say... at Master & Apprentice Archive (Wayback Machine)

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It's not what you say... is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Barbana.

Summary: A response to Mac's "Obi-Wan, no one will believe we're lovers." Challenge.

Recs and Reviews

A recent discussion on the master-apprentice list about what's hot in vanilla sex brought this little gem to mind again. It hits many of the buttons people mentioned including both of mine. [...] Having spoken with Barbana, it would seem that she doesn't think much of her writing efforts, but I love this story, so much so that I saved it to my hard drive four years ago. Admittedly it could have used a little beta work, but I still find it to be one of those fics that makes me say, "Is it warm in here?"[2][3]


Dominant Obi-Wan Stories: Very yummy, sweet story response to the first line challenge: "Obi-Wan no one will believe we're lovers."[4]

Amy Fortuna
