It's a Little Bit Funny (This Feeling Inside)

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Title: It's a Little Bit Funny (This Feeling Inside)
Author(s): accordingtomel
Date(s): 23 October 2010 - 19 March 2011
Length: 48,484 words
Genre(s): RPS
Fandom(s): Merlin RPF
External Links: It's a Little Bit Funny (This Feeling Inside) (LiveJournal)

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It's a Little Bit Funny (This Feeling Inside) is a Bradley/Colin story by accordingtomel. It was originally posted to kinkme_merlin as a WIP[1] and later cleaned up and reposted in the author's journal.

Summary: When an editing error accidentally makes it on the air, Bradley is forced to take a step back and re-evaluate his relationship with his co-star.

Recs and Reviews

Lovely coming to terms with being attracted to your best mate type of story. Lots of angst, missed chances, jealousy and man!feelings. I love that despite the tension in the fic, Bradley and Colin friendship was never really threatened (cause that always makes me too sad). A great love story.[2]

This story is just really lovely. Bradley inadvertently discovers he has more sexual tension with Colin than with Angel, and then has to deal with the repercussions of that discovery. The drama and angst are just right, pining!Bradley makes me want to hold him close and cuddle up to him all day, and the sex is smoking hot! I wasn't sure how I would like a long rpf, but I'm glad this is the one I started with. A great read.[3]

This is a really sweet and creative fic, full of EXTREME PINING and jealousy and love and sexiness and really really stupid boys xD Bradley and Colin take the cake for this one ;)[4]


  1. ^ Anonymous. It's a Little Bit Funny (This Feeling Inside) - 1a/? -- PG-13 for language , 23 October 2010. (Accessed 29 April 2011)
  2. ^ marguerite_26. Merlin Recs, 25 April 2011. (Accessed 29 April 2011)
  3. ^ rebeccaann08. insta-rec and music meme: day 3, 04 April 2011. (Accessed 29 April 2011)
  4. ^ "Dec 21, 2012 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-03-13.