In Vino Angustiae

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Title: In Vino Angustiae
Author(s): athousandwinds
Date(s): 21 January 2007
Length: 258 words
Genre(s): backstory, reminiscence
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"In Vino Angustiae" is a ficlet by athousandwinds based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. Although set some years later, the story is entirely Hazell's reminiscences about his relationship with Ralph Lanyon (which developed shortly before Chapter Two and, on being discovered, led to Ralph's expulsion).


The story was written for green_and_warty in the 31_days fic exchange.


"In Vino Angustiae" was very well received, eliciting such comments as the following:

  • "bloody hell. what a marvellous piece of writing; a novel point of view, very well written. i'm not sure i've ever felt sympathy towards hazell before so, well done. (& Right-o, Pythias old chum, I'll wait here until you come back might just be the best line of dialogue ever)"—comment by lanyon
  • "Deftly handled!"—comment by argyleheir
  • "Wow, that's just marvelous. It's always interesting to see beloved characters from a new point of view, and you did a fantastic job getting into his ever-more-tipsy head. Thank you!"—comment by lorie945
  • "Wow! You certainly convey quite a lot in so few words. That is a wonderful picture of Hazell, who I do think deserves some sympathy, after all it wasn't Hazell's fault. What a lovely line. :-)"—comment by poicale