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Immajer's Screen Capture Page!

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Name: Immajer's Screen Capture Page!
Date(s): 1998? - 2004?
Archivist: Imajiru
Founder: Imajiru
Type: screen capture archive
Fandom: Forever Knight
URL: (archived)
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[1]Immajer's Screen Capture Page! (originally at http://free.prohosting.com/~immajer/) was created by Imajiru to provide other Forever Knight fans with a variety of screen captures to use on their own websites. Contemporary websites do, in fact, often cite this as the source of their pictures. (One current site that still does is the Cousins of the Knight website.[1])

By 21st century standards, the quality of the screen captures is poor, since they must have been made from tapes. At the time, though, DVDs of the series did not exist. Nor did most fans have the software to make their own screen captures.

There were only four episodes included in the collection, "Close Call", "Night in Question", "Fever", and "Ashes to Ashes". The number of screen captures varied, but at least 60 were offered for each episode.

As far as I'm concerned, though, you can use this stuff any way you wish. Some of the screen captures contain "captured by immajer" notices; you can remove 'em if you want, and I won't squawk. Use 'em, trade 'em with friends -- a link back to this page or to my home page at www.mindspring.com/~immajer/ would be appreciated, but is not necessary. In other words... enjoy!

from the index page to Immajer's Screen Capture Page!

Site History

Immajer's Screen Capture Page! was first recorded by the Internet Archive in December 1998, and disappeared from the web sometime after January 2004. Although the pages themselves are available on the Wayback Machine, none of the pictures is included. It is therefore possible only to ascertain the scope of the site.


  1. ^ This information is largely taken from the article "Immajer's Screen Capture Page!" in the Forever Knight Wiki.