IDIC (Star Trek newsletter)

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Title: IDIC
Publisher: ScotPress
Editor(s): Janet Quarton, Sheila Clark & Valerie Piacentini
Date(s): December 1988 - October 1996
Frequency: bi-monthly
Medium: print
Size: A5
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS, Star Trek: TNG
Language: English
External Links: Some issues are online here.
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IDIC was a general Star Trek club run by the Scotpress team. It had an international membership and published 48 bi-monthly newsletters of between 80 - 100 pages. The IDIC newsletter covered all aspects of Star Trek; ST:TOS, ST:TNG, ST:DS9 and ST:VOY. Articles in the newsletters included news, actor and character profiles, convention reports, book and zine reviews, misc Star Trek articles written by members, poetry and an active postbag section.

Information has been included on Fanlore with the publisher's permission.

The club also published a fanzine, IDIC Log #1-19 (TOS & TNG, 1989-1996).

Some Issues Online

See ScoTpress.

The Issues

See these subpages for details about individual issues.

IDIC (Star Trek newsletter)
Issues 001-010 Issues 011-020 Issues 021-030 Issues 031-040 Issues 041-048

Computers and Privacy

The zines contain a disclaimer, one that perhaps reflects the underground mentality of fandom and/or the new awareness of the power computers could have in daily life. It may also have been a disclaimer unique/required in the UK.

This is a statutory notice as prescribed by the Data Protection Act. In accordance with the conditions governing the maintenance of machine-readable records by non-incorporated members' clubs, IDIC must advise that the names and addresses of every member are held in a computer-readable format in order to more efficiently prepare and despatch newsletters. The information is used for this purpose only, and will not be disclosed to any other party whatsover without the specific consent of the Data Subject (i.e. the member concerned). You should also be aware that you have a statutory right for your name to be deleted from the computer record and for your newsletters to be addressed manually. [1]

Fan Comments

This is also the best letter zine since Interstat, containing comment and debate from around the world on the subjects of ST and SF. A really lively, interesting read. [2]


  1. ^ The Data Protection Act was introduced by the UK Government and it applied to anyone keeping personal information about people on a computer; i.e. names & addresses. In certain circumstances if you printed the disclaimer you did not need to register under the Act.
  2. ^ from Atavachron v.7 n.3 (1992)