How Far We've Come

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Title: How Far We've Come
Creator: Karli Meaghan
Date: 17 May 2010
Format: digital vid
Length: 3:37 minutes
Music: How Far We've Come by Matchbox Twenty
Genre: gen, retrospective
Fandom: Harry Potter
Footage: Harry Potter films #1-6
URL: How Far We've Come on YouTube
original post on LiveJournal

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How Far We've Come is a Harry Potter fanvid by Karli Meaghan subtitled "A tribute to the first six Harry Potter films".[1]

How Far We've Come banner.jpg

The vid was created to "[celebrate] the first six Harry Potter films" and used only footage from these films, though it does contain spoilers for Deathly Hallows including a montage of "all major DH deaths".[2]

It is primarily gen but features canon pairings including Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, and Arthur/Molly.

The vidder wrote several months later:

"I'm going to try not to toot my own horn, but I'm incredibly delighted with how well this video turned out. I'd been wanting to do some big End-of-HP video but couldn't think of anything that would feel right. Then I heard this song and it just came together so easily. I honestly think it's one of my best videos ever."[3]

Reactions & Reviews

  • "I don't know about you, but although I see a lot of HP vids out there, what I don't see is a lot of engaging, clever, SHINY HP vids! ... Well, KM broke the mold for me on this one. Alll SIX HP movies to date, beautiful editing, clean and neat as a pin. Beautiful, tragic and at turns funny..." -- review by Holdt
  • "This was so amazing. I loved all the themes throughout, from the kids growing up(they were so wee!), to the DA teachers, to the horcurxes and the development of the relationships. And then all those we will lose in DH. This made me tear up. Excellent, excellent vid.  Fun and moving." -- comment by HandmaidenAnde at YouTube
  • "Oh wow. A perfect tribute; it really shows the journey with all the emotions, good and bad :) Aw, made me feel all nostalgic." -- comment by appleXinkling at YouTube
  • "Oh my god this was AMAZING. I've been kind of out of HP fandom recently, but this, THIS just drags me right back in, reminds me EVERYTHING I love about it. I wanted to cry EVERY TIME you did a montage to the "let's see how far we've come" refrain, it was SO WELL DONE and beautifully encapsuled everyone's transformations, growths, and changes as characters (and pairings! So well done!). Guh. I just. I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS SERIES AKJFHDSJHFDSHFODSHFDSOFHDS *flails* This has me bursting with love ♥ ♥ ♥" -- comment by twig_tea at LiveJournal


  1. ^ Karli Meaghan (karli_meaghan) at hp_fanvids. "How Far We've Come" HP music video. 17 May 2010. (Accessed 01 April 2012.)
  2. ^ Karli Meaghan (wicked_visions) on LiveJournal. "How Far We've Come" HP music video. 17 May 2010. (Accessed 01 April 2012.)
  3. ^ Karli Meaghan (wicked_visions) on LiveJournal. A Fanart Year in Review - 2010. 02 January 2011. (Accessed 01 April 2012.)