House of Smex

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Journal Community
Name: House of Smex
Date(s): 2005-2007
Moderator: icedark_elf, kytyngurl2, bard_linn
Founder: icedark_elf
Type: OT5
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
URL:, (Archived 2008)

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House of Smex was a LiveJournal community for an OT5 set within the Alter Series AU created by hime1999. There were 625 posts and 8,444 comments left in the community during its active years. It was affiliated with cracked_princes and mentioned that the communities shared several members.[1]

There was also an off-site archive for fics set within the universe. Contributors listed on the website were:

Artists: art_de_cerise (0), darthneko (0), hallidae (0), inamoment (0)

Authors: akira_chan (5), bard_linn (25), cephy (2), cougarfang (5), forgottenlover (7), icedark_elf (15), ickaimp (1), inamoment (1), kalikamaxwell (5), kytyngurl2 (33), lanerose (9), mikkeneko (2), ninkasa (1), pegunicent (12), severed_sanity (1), skyler_daemon (24), uninformed (5), ysabet (1), zalia (1)

From the FAQ

Okay, I’m new here. And totally confused. What is this place about?

House of smex is a strange creature. It’s something of a cross between a pairing community, such as the Roy/Ed community steelandsparks and a story line community like alter_series and faulty_wish. So what does this mean?

HoS is home for all fics about the fivesome: Ed, Roy, Riza, Al and Masuta. However, there is a “canon” here (though it is small), set in a theoretical alternate universe of alter_series. Some of these stories have more of a “oneshot” feel to them, others have a plot worked out. The first generally go in the main archive, the second become what are known as “plot arcs.”

So what IS canon around here?

The “canon” things are that as described in the HoS Notes. I’ve copied the information here for easy access. The notes themselves can be easily accessed from the userinfo page.

Ed does still have his automail. If you want to fix that somehow, go right ahead.

Black Hayate lives with them still, as well as a mixed bunch of animals that vary in both number and types.

Masuta can't cook to save his life. Al is little better. Roy has learned the fine art of conning people into giving him food. Ed can cook, as can Riza.

Ages(thank you, hime1999 for the correction)






Order of who got together with who: Roy and Ed were together first. When Ed vanished, Roy and Riza got together. In our world, Ed and Masuta got together. When Ed came back, Roy and Ed kinda fell back into each other, dragging Masuta in first, then Riza. Al was always there, but didn't start sleeping with any of them until he turned 14/15, and then kinda fell in with everyone.

In terms of characterization, we attempt to stay as much in line with the Alter_series version of the characters, as much as possible within the circumstances.

That is ALL that is canon around here, specifically speaking. Now, there several trends that have come up that aren’t officially canon, but are nonetheless commonly accepted, such as Roy liking coffee despite no anime evidence for him to do so. For example, we have the infamous “spot” on both Roy and Masuta. Such carry overs between one-shots are fun, but not necessary. Reading through the main archive helps pick up on these sorts of things, which can make the fics even more enjoyable.

One more thing in the “canon” issue: just because someone has done a fic dealing with a certain topic in the main archive doesn’t mean you can do one as well. For example, kytyngurl2 did a fic about Masuta and Ed’s first night together. That doesn’t mean you can’t do one as well if you get the bunny.


  1. ^ Affiliate link in the community profile: "Quite possibly the only other OT5 comm out there, this one focuses on Atobe Keigo/Fuji Syuusuke/Echizen Ryoma/Sanada Genichirou/Tezuka Kunimitsu. A few members are shared between us, and we are OT5 affiliates. Like the idea of OT5, or PoT? Go check them out."