Hiamoe loa

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Title: Hiamoe loa
Author(s): casspeach
Date(s): 11 April 2011
Length: 7,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Hiamoe loa (LJ)

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Hiamoe loa is a Steve/Danny story by casspeach.

Summary: “They keep telling me it helps,” Rachel says. “That hearing a loved one’s voice, knowing that someone special is close by...it’s probably just nonsense that they say to try and make us feel better, but it might not be.”

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: This is one of the many wonderful fic written for the kissemdanno Festival of Kissing. Initially this appears to be parallel two stories but it soon becomes clear it it the same story approached from different angles. This is a tale with a lot of emotion beautifully put together . We found ourselves holding our breath to see what would happen in the end. A rich and satisfying read that we cannot recommend highly enough.[1]
