Hermione Granger, Demonologist

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Title: Hermione Granger, Demonologist
Author(s): BrilliantLady
Date(s): August 14, 2017 - October 19, 2017
Length: 47,146 words
Genre(s): Darkfic, Gen, Alternate Universe, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Sorting AU
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Fanfiction.net, AO3

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Hermione Granger, Demonologist is a gen fanfiction written by BrilliantLady. The work portrays a Hermione Granger who befriends demons long before attending Hogwarts. This results in her taking quite a different moral path, although the darkest portions are near the end. As BrilliantLady describes it:

"Hermione was eight when she summoned her first demon. She was lonely. He asked what she wanted, and she said a friend to have tea parties with. It confused him a lot. But that wasn’t going to stop him from striking a promising deal with the young witch."


The fanfic reached a large audience, with over 1000 reviews on fanfiction.net and over 4000 kudos on Archive of Our Own, as of July 2020. The fic is generally well-received and often recced on Reddit. Hermione Granger, Demonologist inspired a meta thread on /r/HPfanfiction and was featured in the subreddit's book club.

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Due to multiple people misreading the title, BrilliantLady wrote a crack fic called Hermione Granger, Dermatologist.

Reactions and Reviews

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[Rec by hermioneficrecs on tumblr] "one of the best, most original fic ideas out there. the author’s username is no exaggeration."[1]

[sephonered on AO3] "Ruthless Hermione that explores every possible new Avenue of knowledge with perhaps naive but optimistic enthusiasm is always fun. However any character in the HP universe, but especially her, playing with the concept of demonology in general is just super fun and highly ignored. Despite Harry Potter being one of those fandoms you see a dash of everything in eventually there are some not so obscure branches of the occult that have just never really shown up in writing that much if ever. Demonology is a big one. I also have a deep and abiding yearning to see divination taken seriously and explored according to its potential sub-branches and dark magic potential. I mean there would totally be books in the Restricted Section on bone throwing and augery. Just some of the random things I think about and think it would be cool to see explored. Very excited to see one of them being touched on."[2]

[FearaNightmare on AO3] "I absolutely adore this story. I honestly don't know why I love it so much, perhaps because it is so thought out. You put a lot of work into it I see, it shows!... Also I am glad Hermione was not willing to hide her blood status. She is proud of who she is even if that means losing friends. If she had another chance I feel like she would say the same thing. I really like how you portray her, she seems very similar to the Hermione in the later HP books! Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next update."[3]


[ChiArchive on fanfiction.net] "Thank you for creating such a wonderful story, even with it being short it was one of the few fanfictions to properly grab my attentions and keep me reading until the wee hours of the morning. Her summoning demons the way she did not only shows her strength in magic but also just a lonely child seeking friend was just an amazing beginning and so such an adorable thing for her to do. The end, I must say I got goosebumps even if it only an epilogue. Voldemort trusting her with a horcrux and her planning her own rise as a Dark Lord/Lady was absolutely amazing and a chilling thought. Sometime in the future I wonder if you might make a One-Shot bases on the ending showing her rising in to power or her possible helping Voldemort be reborn. Great story, keep up the good work."[4]

[u/smellinawin on /r/HPfanfiction]
"Quite adorable. I love Hermione just blundering about as a child wanting a friend and ending up in control of a demon king.

Wish their was more to the story instead of the epilogue containing everything from 2nd year and up."[5]
[u/metaridely18 on /r/HPfanfiction]

"For sure. I forgot how nice the first year of the story was and then the rest all gets rushed into the epilogue. It would have been nice to see an expanded version--the story really contained some great world building and some different sides to the whole dark/light distinction that gives concrete examples of exactly why they are split.

The epilogue definitely would be a great complete story on its own."[5]


  1. ^ Fic Rec #279, Archived version (Accessed July 9, 2020)
  2. ^ Chapter One and comments on AO3 (Accessed July 9, 2020)
  3. ^ Chapter six and comments on AO3 (Accessed July 9, 2020)
  4. ^ Reviews on fanfiction.net, page 17, Archived version(Accessed July 6, 2020)
  5. ^ a b Book Club - Hermione Granger, Demonologist (Discussion), Archived version A thread from /r/HPfanfiction. (Accessed July 23, 2020)