Hate This Place

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Title: Hate This Place
Author(s): Alex and Chelsi
Date(s): 2007-2009
Length: 25 chapters
Genre(s): incest angst
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Hate This Place

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Hate This Place is a Hanson fanfic written by Alex and Chelsi.

The story centers around Taylor and Zac, who struggle to hide and maintain their forbidden relationship in the face of a very difficult home life with their father. The following is the authors' introduction to the story:

Once upon a time, two girls loved two boys who loved each other, and they decided to write about the things they witnessed.

Actually, we don't know Hanson or anyone affiliated with them. Any parallels between the real world and ours are purely coincidental. This is a Zaylor fanfiction - you have been properly warned. We hold no responsibilities for corruptions or wrongdoings you may feel have been bestowed upon you. If you have nightmares about Zaylor making out after reading this work of fiction, we sincerely apologize, but feel free to share these dreams with us. If you feel you have come to this journal in err, please click your browser's back button. Read at your own discretion.

All words and scenarios have come directly from Alex or Chelsi, and may not be stolen. Stealing is bad, yo. If you love it, let us know through comments. We'll give you e-cookies, or something equally as lame cool.

Each chapter of the story is written in two parts, one from each character's point of view. Only half are available currently after Alex deleted her LiveJournal.

Reactions and Reviews

There’s a lot about Hate This Place that’s different from your typical Zaylor. It’s an AU setting, for one, where the boys aren’t famous at all, don’t have any other siblings and live alone with their father. Their lower class surroundings remind me just a little of The Outsiders, which I’ve always loved and is intricately connected in my mind to my love of Hanson and Tulsa. On top of all that, Zac and Taylor are already together before the story begins. If my description isn’t enough of a hint, then let me put it plainly. Hate This Place is not a happy funtime story. Sure, there are cute, sentimental moments between Zac and Taylor. But it’s not the sort of story I would recommend to someone who was looking for a light, feel good read. It’s a pretty emotional ride, but it’s worth it, even if it does stop on one hell of a cliffhanger.[1]

I've literally read chapter 1 through 24 in about 16 hours (and that's with sleeping about 11 of them). I really enjoy this story and I hope that there will be another update at some point.

OMGGGG. It's always so wonderful when I look on my friend's list and see that there's an update on this story. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I'm still every bit as obsessed with this as I was back in 2007. I nominated this story over at endlesshaze[2]


Hate This Place was nominated at the short lived Endless Haze Awards and is featured in the PlaceToHide.net hall of fame.
