Fanlore:Featured Article Archives/2022: Week 28

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Front cover of issue #1, Ruth Kurz

Hanky Panky is a slash Starsky and Hutch letterzine with occasional material from other fandoms.

It was published February 1982 to June 1986, though its longevity is deceptive; there was a very long gap between the second-to-the-last and the last issue.

The title and some illos of this letterzine are references to the Slasher Hanky Code.

From the first issue: "HP#1 -- a letter/comment zine, non-profit in nature, dedicated to the pursuit of freedom of thought and speech... Subscription information: 1 issue, $1.50; 4/$6.00/USA. UK Subs SASE Terri. All contributions and other than UK subs to Michelle."

While slash was often discussed in S and H, "Hanky Panky" was the first specifically slash Starsky & Hutch letterzine.

One interesting note: While there is much use of the "/" (virgule in quote marks), the word slash is never used anywhere in this letterzine. That honor of the first fanwork where the word "slash" is used to refer to m/m content belongs to S and H. See Slash Terminology.

Many, many fans comment in letters that they had "to take a cold shower" as they read the stories and looked at the art.