Fanartist Focus: Odyssey01

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Fanartist Focus #9 - Odyssey01
Interviewer: MrsRittenrotten for Twinspiration
Interviewee: Odyssey01
Date(s): 29 September 2007
Medium: Online
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Fanartist Focus #9 - Odyssey01!, Archived version
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Odyssey01 was interviewed in 2007 for the ninth in the Fanartist Focus interview series at Twinspiration, a Harry Potter LiveJournal community for James/Oliver and Fred/George twincest.


Better late than never, twinfans, welcome to September's edition of "Fanartist Focus"! This month we are delighted to bring you the wonderful twinfan favorite odyssey01! Her works are consistently used all over the twin fandom in icons, headers, and other miscellaneous places, as some of the hottest images of Fred and George, and she is a staple in fanartist forums all over the internet. It's our good fortune this month, once again, to be the lucky recipient of MORE custom Fred and George GIFT ART! odyssey01 has generously created this lovely drool-worthy image specifically in honor of of our comm interviewing her, and GUH! Aren't we just the lucky ones? You simply MUST be an odyssey01 fan after seeing this, if you weren't before. Ladies and gentlemen, honored members of our little corner of heaven that is twinspiration, here is oddyssey01's lovely twinny gift to us all [...]

And now, once you catch your breath, stop squeeing and sighing over that bit of gorgeousness, petquality [mrsrittenrotten] is proud to present this month's "Fanartist Focus" with odyssey01:


How did you first get interested in doing fanart in general and slash/twincest art specifically?

Actually I’ve been doing fanart even before I knew that such a thing existed in the first place. As a little kid I used to draw the little adventures me and my friends had (or dreamed up) and later on I started “correcting” books or tv-shows (i.e. Buffy) to twist things around the way I wanted to picture them.

The real passion for “fanart”, however, started when I was sixteen and bought my first comic book which was illustrated by Joe Madureira. I loved the art and from that point on “seriously” considered drawing more scenes and characters. To the present day my pictures are heavily influenced by comic-art, I believe ;)

The thing is, even though I love to occasionally read some slash fiction (or look at slashy art, i.e. sherant’s amazing pictures) as it’s a curious fact that many of the best authors/artists I’ve read/seen so far love their slash pairings – I don’t usually draw slash pairings. I just have a very soft spot for the Weasley men and the twins in particular. So while it’s unlikely for you to find too many slashy pictures in my gallery, there *is* a high probability you’ll find a lot of half-naked Weasely men there ;)

So you work up your roughs in pencil, then ink them with felt tip pens, and clean up your linework and add color in the computer? I think that is what gives your art it's distinctively graphic look. Your work is very stylized, almost comic-book-like. Anyone who has seen your art can tell it's an odyssey01 piece by the use of line for contour and delineation. Are you comfortable with that assessment?

Comfortable? I think that telling an artist her art is immediately recognizable is among the greatest compliments I could ever wish for! Seriously, you have no idea how pleased I am now. And yes, the way you described it above is exactly the way I approach the composition of a picture.

Do you have any problems or preferences you notice while you are creating your art?

I’ve noticed that I have the tendency to draw them with shoulder-length hair, ever since a story of inell’s planted that delicious image in my head. The more outgoing twin in my pictures gets dubbed Fred by me, while the thoughtful twin is usually George, and by ‘thoughtful’, I mean he’s plotting evil schemes. :)

Who are your favorite fanartists, favorite websites for fanart?

Whoa. Good question. There are too many to count, and I just know once I’ve answered this I’ll think of at least a dozen more, and will be angry with myself for not mentioning them. My favourite websites can usually be found on Livejournal: hpart, hpfanart or – because I love the concept – colourmehp. My favourite fanartists on Livejournal are (an excerpt): _hibiscus, _odella_, glockgal, ildi_bp, kriscynical ([The Chamber of Keys]), leelastarsky, linnpuzzle, lizardspots, magsby [...], reinii, seviet ([]), sherant (sherant_art), the_gwyllion,and trickofthedark ([Didodikali's Lemonade Party]).