Eyeballs to Entrails

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Name: Eyeballs to Entrails
Date(s): 1998 - 09 November 2002 (last update)[1]
Type: het fanfiction
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
URL: http://lavender.fortunecity.com/goodfellas/273/ (Wayback)
Eyeballs to Entrails.png
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Eyeballs to Entrails is a Willow/Spike archive with fanfiction, an image gallery and links.

The site was listed in the link section of Saber ShadowKitten's Buffy FanFiction page.[2] It was a member of the Spike Fiction Webring.

Submission Guidelines

OK, really, I don't ask much and I don't want to be a 'bitca' and hassle anyone, so guidelines are good.

1. Things you MUST include before I post your story.

TITLE: The title of your fic. (I know, I know, who's going to forget the title?, but it's easier just to cover *everything*)

AUTHOR: Your name, or the name you want to appear as the author.

E-MAIL: Your e-mail address.

RATING: The rating of your fic; G, PG-?, NC-17, R. (This is important. If your fic is of a higher rating than PG, I need to put it in the adult section, not only to cover my butt, but to make life a little easier for those die-hard Willow/Spike fans out there not legally considered adults (or those out there who simply don't want to read it.))

CONTENT: A description of the situations covered in your story. If you've written a PG range story, but are unsure of the exact rating but you know it has a kiss or two in it or very minor violence, say so. (Just a kiss, some violence; but only what would be shown on the show or sexual situations; innuendo, consentual,, non-consentual; violence, drug use, death of a major character..., the list goes on and on, include whatever you feel needs listing.)

SPOILERS: List any episodes where their events are discussed or directly involved in your story. Especially important if it's an episode of the third season and people may not have seen it and don't want it 'spoiled' for them.

DISCLAIMER: Any statement which acknowledges not only Joss Whedon's copyright laws, but any others mentioned in your fic. For example: Have you used song lyrics?; give credit to the artists and the producers. Is your story a crossover?; don't forget to give credit to those in charge of the other party.BR> ("Joss is GOD!" doesn't quite cover it, but it's up to you.)

2. Optional things you can include at your leisure.

DISTRIBUTION: Who you give permission to post your fic. (Already given people permission?, don't want your story posted in *any* archives?, happy to let anyone post it as long as they ask you first & tell you where it's going?)

SUMMARY: A short summary of your fic. (Want to give a few clues as to what readers have in store for them?, have you written a Willow/Spike romance?, has Spike come up with a plan to rid the world of Buffy involving out favourite witch?, has Willow been caught up in a prophecy with everyone's favourite vampire?)

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Anything, you, as the author want to tell your readers. (Is your fic a sequel or a prequel?, is it an alternate universe story?, does it include Angel bashing and you want to warn all Angel lovers?, have you based it on an episode but made drastic changes?...)

FEEDBACK: Whether you want to receive feedback and what type. (Any and all feedback?, constructive criticism and praise only?, flames welcome?, whatever you fancy.)

DEDICATION: Written this fic for someone?, feel like letting someone know you care? (Your BETA's), dedicate your fic to them.

3. BETA reading

Unless you think you're a brilliant writer and make no spelling mistakes, typo's or grammatical errors, I highly recommend you have your story BETA read before sending it in.[3]


  1. ^ What's New? (Accessed 09 December 2012)
  2. ^ Links, via Wayback: 28 November 1999. (Accessed 09 December 2012)
  3. ^ Fanfic Submission. (Accessed 09 December 2012)