The Exigency Series

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Title: The Exigency Series
Author(s): Zoe Takashi and Louise Wu
Date(s): 2000 - 2006
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Exigency Series (LZL Slash Factory)
fanfic cover by The Theban Band

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The Exigency Series is a series of Skinner/Krycek stories by Zoe Takashi and Louise Wu. The fanfic cover is by The Theban Band.

Reactions and Reviews

This is my absolute favourite XF story; I can't even remember the number of times I've re-read this story. I initially encountered this story when the first book of the series (originally called 'Exigency', the new, revised version is named 'Surrender') was first posted, and WOW, that was 71/2 years ago.

Despite the authors' warnings, the Exigency series is more fluff than anything else. Well-hidden fluff, yes. Angst-driven fluff, yes. But fluff nonetheless. Sometimes I always felt Skinner and Kryceck had as much love as everyone else in the world put together. Kryceck isn't portrayed as a 'nice' person in these stories, but as you learn more about his past, you begin to understand why he did some of the things he did. This doesn't make those things he did 'right', and this isn't exactly a redemption story, but it is hard not to love the Alex in these stories.

The story link should take you to the cover page, where the stories are listed in chronologically order. You can also read them in the order they were written (the posting times are listed beside the story titles). I would actually like to recommend reading "Yield" (set when Kryceck first appears on the show) before "Becoming Alex" (set before the show). The epilogue is not posted yet, and I'm not sure it will ever get written (though the authors claim haven't given up entirely), but the story is complete as it is.

Highly, highly recommended.[1]


  1. ^ jane_elliot in: epic_recs. The Exigency Series by Zoe Takashi and Louise Wu (NC-17), 25 March 2008 (Accessed 25 December 2016)