Ex Libris (due South story)

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Title: Ex Libris
Author(s): Brooklinegirl
Date(s): 2005-12-27
Length: 2193 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: at happyfriendbox
at AO3

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Ex Libris is a Fraser/Kowalski story by Brooklinegirl.

Reactions and Reviews

This is a wonderful story written recently by one of my very favorite authors. There are many examples of wonderful Ray voice in the due South fandom, but relatively few examples of good Fraser voice. This is one of them. Fraser is pining after Ray, but can't find the way and the words to tell Ray what he wants. This is worth it for the glimpse into Fraser's mind, and how difficult it is for him to voice how he feels and his own needs and wants. This blew me away when I first read it, brooklinegirl just gets better and better with every fic she writes.[1]


  1. ^ Ex Libris, The End of the Road, Archived version, livejournal post by justbreathe80 to Rec50 on 20 February 2006.