Everything Has a Price

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Everything Has a Price
Author(s): Legion (fic writer)
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: here on AO3 (locked to registered users), also online here

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Everything Has a Price is a Jim/Blair story by Legion.

Reactions and Reviews

Blair ends up accepting that badge at the end of the series and proceeds to throw himself into being the best police officer he can be, which is why it takes him so long to realize that something very odd is going on in Major Crimes. Even odder, Jim is simply not behaving like himself at all, and Blair isn't at all sure of what he can do to fix the problem. This is one of the most unique post-TSbyBS fics I've ever read, primarily in the characterization of Jim. In some respects he's the Jim we all know and love (even if he is being exasperating) but he's also a Jim who has taken a long look at himself and his actions and what his actions almost cost him. The end result is fascinating and while I would have loved to have some of the story be in Jim's POV (because I'd really like to have seen some of his thought processes), the story is better being strictly from Blair's POV, showing us the changes and getting us caught up in the mystery of what is going on with Jim. A thoughtful, layered characterization that helps this story stand out from the crowd.[1]


  1. ^ 2009 comments at Epic Recs